The Surface Is Too Scary

"What's the matter with you all? Where's your courage now?!" Luther Krebs ridiculed the other noble-class Scruxs as they stood frozen in shock and fear.

At the same time, he, himself, also trembled with fear.

The display of brute strength was beyond what he had seen from the four emperors, not to mention the person didn't resemble any of them.

'An elf?'

Luther Krebs frowned.

Earth did not have a fantasy race like the elves, and certainly not someone who was even more powerful than the four emperors.

'The World Tree in the Armentia Rainforest.'

Luther Krebs shortly recalled the recent news and determined the powerful blonde elf to be a resident of that new place.

'Who knew elves from other worlds were so powerful?' Luther Krebs thought.

Shortly after glancing at the noble-class Scruxs, Luther Krebs shook his head with disappointment.