Empress Una's Faction Meeting

Armentia continent

Shortly after Empress Una returned to Haven city, she immediately summoned all the faction executives for a meeting.

The location of their meeting was none other than the Ashura Group's main headquarters.

In the U-shape style conference room, Empress Una sat in the chairman's seat and watched her core subordinates enter one by one for a total of twelve members, divided between eight men and four women.

They were all accomplished martial art masters in the Innate Realm who could quickly enter the top of the A-rank Hunter list.

"What urgent news do you have for you to summon all of us, Your Majesty? Did something go wrong on the trip to the World Tree?" inquired Dominic Trick, the eldest member of the Ashura Group after the four generals.

"It didn't just go wrong. It went terribly wrong—In fact, it couldn't have gone any worse," Empress Una replied with an ugly look.

Becoming a blood slave was not a good feeling.