Chapter 1: A girl with a dream!

I was sitting on my living room floor while my mother & father watched TV, I couldn't help but stare in awe as a man appeared on the screen. "Ma'ti Gliz, publishes his own spell book buy it by the 30th for ₰760 because it'll be much more expensive later as soon it'll be worth ₰980!" .

I jumped up at ran to my parents legs pulling on them "Mommy, I want it; I want Ma'ti's Spell Book!" she looked down & rubbed my head "Alright Ni how about we buy it tomorrow hmm? it's already past your bedtime~" she picked me up,walked to my bedroom & tucked me into bed. "Goodnight Niterana~" she kissed my forehead & left the room closing the door behind her, I turned around and picked up my flashlight,diary, & pencil. "Alright! 'I dream to be just like Ma'ti Gliz one day & make it to the top of the magic council one day!" I wrote under my covers until I felt the cover move from off my head " my darling Ni, just what are you doing~" my father looked down on me "Dark Elf Alert!" I screamed and hit in on the head with my flashlight! I tired to run off my bed but he grabbed my waist and laid me in bed "No go to sleep & we can play Dragoinia Slayer instead alright Niterana" I nodded and closed my eyes.


I had gone 3 years since getting my Spell Book and I tried my best to learn from it.Although I wasn't the best at it since all the spells we're ranks way above me, I've completed half the book & even created my own spells to create my own spell book. "Ni, it's time for your first day at school, are you ready yet?" I ran to my mother grabbing my bag "I'm ready!" she picked me up and walked me to our car "Niterana, put your hair up in a bun; it'll protect for hair from any lingering magic" my father said before putting my hair in a bun. and we drove to the school.

"Daddy! Why don't you become a Magic Council member? you can join a guild..." he didn't look back "Niterana, I used to be a Guild member but my guild got disbanded after a long time & I'm not really ready to move on yet..." I crossed my arms & looked out the window "Daddy Look! there are the guardians are outside!" he turned his head a little to look then turned his head back "Aw yes, they're outside today; I'm sure they're just taking a stroll we shouldn't bother them." I watched them practice their magic & driving until I couldn't see them anymore & before I knew it we arrived at the school.


I jumped out of the car & ran to the school while waving to my daddy; I walked into the building and changed my shoes, walked into the classroom I was assigned to . I sat at a random table and saw many kids come in & kids that we're already there. "Hello!" a girl with blonde hair & red wings inplace of her ears "Oh wow, your a Dragoinia, I've always wanted to see one My names Niterana Zufline!" she sat down next to me "I'm Bao-tu Hufuna, Pleasure to met you, I'm a fire dragon so what kind of Elf are you?" she pointed at my ears "I'm a Starlight Elf". We talked for the remaining time before class; the teacher walks into the classroom & places her book on the desk " Alright class, welcome to your first day, I'm Ms.Gu'Tin, I'm a Shadow breeder"

she talked about rules and things until she unlatched her hair piece "This childeren is a magic item, it helps you focus your magic; You'll all get one and after you grow up you won't need it as much but you should always have it on you" she put her hairpin on the desk & then her hand glowed and so did the hairpin It turned into staff "Each magical item has 2 forms the Halu & the Haluca; The Halu is the form in which this was a Hairpin & the Haluca is the this staff form" she morphed it back to a hairpin and stuck it in her hair " So Magical items all have their own powers though but nevermind that today tomorrow you'll revive your magical items, But today you'll be learning childeren style spells, is there any things you guys wanna learn ?" a girl raised her hand "I wanna learn about Harmonies!" the class looked in her direction and nodded more students stood up "Yeah! Let's learn about them!" and other things" she sighed

"Harmonies are being without any magic in their bodies, they have circular ears & they're only able to use magic if given a magical tool , they're selfish, greedy, & cruel. to their own kind, they've already had 5 world war's, They've created many items that only has a purpose is to destroy"

we learned about them for a while & even though everything they've done was evil and destroyed their world, i couldn't help but wonder if they're nice to other worldly beings "Miss, is it true that Harmonies want to come to Gardania?" she nodded " but fortunately they haven't found out how" she sighed and then turned to talk again until the bell rang for lunch "Oh well goodbye now class, i'll be right back after lunch" she left after that.

"Hey Niterana what do you have for lunch?" I picked up my lunchbox and "I've just a couple of random foods like dragon mea- I mean pony meat-" Bao-tu looked me in my eyes and smiled "It's okay I don't mind you eating dragon meat" I hugged her "Thank you , thank you very much Bao-tu, but i've a Miiroom Salad , & i've got firmelon juice" she looked at mine in awe "I've got MysticFlower soda, & a serpent meat sandwich" she sighed. I laughed "S'xie do you have a favorite kingdom?" she nodded her head "I like dragoVile the best" I laughed again "I like the kingdom of Belvin cause it has the school of my dream there!" she talked about random things until we were interrupted my another girls loud laugh "Of course I'd have the best magical items, cause my mom & dad own a fairydust company!" I walked up to her "Wow, do your parents really let you use magical items?" she nodded smirking "Since i'm not legally allowed to own my own item my mom & dad let me use there's whenever i want" Wow, is it really easier to control your magic threw the items then?" I asked in awe she nodded looking at my expression . "Alright guys sit down in your seats" the teacher came in right before the bell rang everyone scurried to your seats; The teacher started teaching again and we learned all about the powers of magical items,"


I walked into class and ran to Bao-Tu, " Did you practice the spell we learned?I couldn't really get the hang of it..." I nodded before hold out my hand and preformed the spell 'It had been easy for me since i'd been doing S-Class spells for a while & this was a E-Class for childeren' she gasped "Your a lot better than rest of the class, i asked around and only a handful of people even made their hands spark" I smiled "I've been practicing magic for a while so I'm a little more advanced in magic..." she sighed "Yeah...your nice too" we laughed until we heard a bunch of wows. We looked over and the same girl Minerva Ju'nl a GrassFeild Elf had been able to preform the spell that only i was able to do, but the thing thing was she was only able to make her hand get threw half of the spell. "That's not that impr-" I covered her mouth before she was heard "I like showing off when i can get something from it, and i won't get anything from minerva" she nodded.the teacher walked in "Alright class, we're gonna be going over the spell i taught yesterday-" a student raised their hand "Miss Minerva did half the spell!" the teacher clapped "goodjob, alright i'm gonna help all the rest of the class & Minerva complete the spell" she pulled each student up had them try on their own and then help them by teaching them what to do "Alright Niterana why don't you come up and try" I walked up to the front of the class and held my hand out to do the spell then proceeded to preform the spell perfectly the class gasped"Good job you did that without any help here's a homework pass for when i start giving out homework" I sat down and hid the homework pass with magic in my bag . I could feel Minerva's anger and resentment towards me just by looking at her. "Alright class so remember I said today you'll all be getting your own Magical Items. A lot of children choose pretty look items but i choose a dirty looking book when i grabbed it the teacher looked scared for a moment "Umm...don't you wanna choose something this staff or this necklace" i looked at her in the eyes and said "but you said I could pick anything...?" I looked at her on the verge of tears" she looked conflicted "It's fine take it:" she sighed others went up and grabbed items "Why'd you grab that ugly book Niterana?" Bao-Tu grabbed a Comb with a girls face on it.

"Well, you know how all of the magical items have their own magic powers?" she nodded looking at the dirty book "This one looks powerfu seeing as it's very old" she gasped "Your too smart for me" we both giggled & then the bell rang for lunch and we opened our lunch boxes "I asked my mom to make me Harmony dishes today..." Bao-tu looked at my lucnbox "What kind of meat is that?" I shrugged "It doesn't look like normal pork, beef, or sheep that really what they eat?" i looked at it "I don'tknow but she said she got it importated from a pace called PeenyVaintia "This is what they feed their kids...but maybe it's an animal we don't know of yet" I bit the sandwhich & tried swallowing it but ended up choking "Argh! cough!cough!" Bao-tu patted my back and gave me her fowerberry juice "Don't ever eat that thing again" after that the school day went normally... and I went home like normally .


"You put the book inthe magical items bin & one of the chideren took it!?!" the woman jumped "I-I didn't mean too, i left it in the box cause i didn't think a child would pick it most kids pick pretty items!" the old man rubbed his temple "That's doesn't matter! why didn't you take it from her!?!?" the old man yelled before a man in his 30s spoke up "Once a chid picks their magical item it's illegal to take it from them sir there was nothing she could do; plus the fact that the chid picture the book in the 1st place is more important since most kids pick jewels or staffs. But she picked a dirty old book" the rest of the people present nodded the old man spoke "we need to keep and eye on this child, have you noticed anythign strange about her normally?" the woman nodded "she was able to do the holagram spell with only one night of studying, she was the only kid ever without her magical tool in the grade" the timid woman said another woman spoke up "I don't think even the 3th graders master that spell until halfway into their schoolyear at least without her magicall tool" the group of people nodded "We must watch the child, for more info, meeting is over" everyone got up to leave except the old man "I believe this child will not let me rest in my retirement unfortunately".