Chapter Two: A Fight Worth Fighting For

I woke up the next morning ready for school, took a show & put on my uniform brushed my white hair, and put on my glasses 'I think my eyes get worse the older I get' I thought to myself before grabbing my bag & walking out of my room "Mom, have you seen my polka-dot socks?" my mother turned to me while washing dishes." they should be in the dryer, check the dryer" I ran to the washing room and opened the dryer. "I found them, mom!" I yelled putting on my socks before running to the door to put my shoes on "I'm off mom, Tell dad I left Tod'Ire's onesie in the basket!" mother hummed as I ran out the door. I'm 13 years old in 7th grade & I've mastered all the spells in my spellbook & in school, still only count as a D-class doesn't matter though.

"Bao Bao!" I yelled running to her she turned her head "Oh Ni, your tie is lose." I stopped to fix my tie "while walking calmly "wow the 1st thing you say to me after 3 months of not seeing each other..." I sighed while sat down next to her a the bus stop "If it wasn't undone I would've said hi but It was." she shrugged her shoulders.

"So did you finish your summer homework?" Bao-tu looked at me "Yeah...Last night..." I scratched the back of my head, Bao-tu shook her head "I thought I saw bags under your eyes...You should get more sleep or you'll fall behind & end up average." I widened my eyes "I don't wanna be average I wanna be able to be an S-Class Wizard super quick" she shook her head & the bus came "All Aboard to Sec'Tif Private school!" we walked on the bus & slipped our weekly bus passes threw the machine.

We sat in the back next to a male Bao-Tu used her phone while I sat still in between the two. I tapped his shoulder "You are wearing the male uniform for my school! What kinda magic do you specialize in? what species of Bi'fawrian are you?" he looked scared for a second "umm...I specialize in Fire Element & I'm a Phoenix...W-What about you...?" I scooted closer he jumped a little " I specialize in Time magic & I'm a Starlight Elf, are you a 7th grader t-!" I was interrupted by Bao-tu pulling me next to her "Sorry about her...& Ni please don't harass random people wearing the same uniform as you " he nodded and put some ear-buds in "Awe...what if he's in our class this year....What if we're not in the same class!" she handed me some candy and pulled my phone out of my pocket "Eat & use your phone, I'm tired so shut up and be qui-" she was interrupted by the boy from earlier "umm...If it's okay with you...I-I can answer the rest of your questions since y-you seem a bit bored?" he asked in a shy manner 'My Bestie is so popular with boys these days' Bao-tu thought to herself.

I scooted back over to him "So what grade are you in?" he looked down at his hands "I'm in 7th I assume you are since you've got the same blue tie as me" he kind of smiled "Yup which class are you in have you checked? I haven't lemme see!" I pulled out my info paper from my bag "Ooo Were in the same class for 4th,3rd, & 1st period oh and homeroom!" he smiled looking away.

We arrived at the school and we all got off the Bus he was just about to go off to hurry into school until I grabbed his should and linked all three of our arms Bao-tu was kinda ticked cause she didn't like new people too much "Okay Bao Bao & What was your name?" he looked away "umm my name is El Si'jester..." I pulled them along.

We reached 704 & I pulled them in we sat in the middle desks at the back "So~" I hummed Elo looked into his book & Bao-tu in her phone "You guys are so boring...Oh El are you any clubs?" he shook his head no "Umm I'm not into anything so I'm not in any clubs" I put my head on his desk "mmm...I'm so bored when is class gonna start..." the bell rang shortly & the teacher walked in.

"Alright class today even though it's the 1st day we're gonna start off with warm-up battles" I jumped up excited everyone walked out of the classroom and dressing room, then went into the gym "alright take lots and whoever gets the same color will battle & remember your in school if they can't get up the fights over " I drew my lots and came out with pink "Hey who's pink!" I yelled and some buff kid stepped up "well that would be's gonna be a pain beating up a girl as cute as you" he smirked grabbing my waist but Bao-tu wasn't having it "Funny story she was helping to look for my partner how about starting 1st" the teacher shrugged and then Bao-tu and that boy wen tin the ring.


I took the comb-hair piece out of her hair and switched it forms ''For you, I think the power from my magical item will be enough~" she smirked he grinned "a bit cocky don't you think~. How about we make a bet with this?" she smiled "Fine if I win you've to go around the school in the girls uniform~" he grinned wider "Then if I win, you've got to spend the night with me~, if you catch my drift" she gagged "Disgusting pig" he laughed "Well let's do this doll!" he yelled grabbing his wrist bangs seeing them turn into wrist swords. he dashed at me so I jumped and bounced off his back and sent him to the other side of the ring. he got up and shook it off I held the comb in front of me and watched it turn into a whip. I slashed him with the whip many times but he kept getting back up "Don't think that fancy little whip is gonna do something to me doll~!" he rushed towards me at incredible speed and sliced my gym uniform near my chest "Oppsie didn't mean to slice there," I created a shield with fire to cover my ripped uniform then used my whip and slashed the air creating fire lines all around the ring then hit the floor in front of me to send all of them rushing at him.


He was knocked out of the ring I walked out and went to sit next to Niterana & that boy El, I talked to Ni & El sorta pitched in here and there until their turns. Ni was so powerful and she wasn't even in her prime yet. I sat with El but didn't speak to him he wasn't important to me like Niterana was " Bao-Tu I thought you fight was really cool...& that spell you used was it really just your magical item?" I looked over to him he jumped a bit "Yes, Yes it was El" Niterana walked over he glistening white hair & blood-red eyes shinned wherever she walked "So how was it?" she sat in between us "You took longer than expected Ni" she pouted "Really How long exactly "5 whole minutes" I smiled she groaned while laying her head back "what....! the opponent was strong I mean you took 7 minutes Bao!"I smiled "Well I don't normally time myself. you do though~" I looked at her. she giggled "whatever...El what color did you get?" he looked at his color "Oh I got Blue..." he looked at his feet "Really I wonder when she'll call for blue!" Ni laughed as she went back talking about random things while I used my phone.


I walked into the class and sat down since Bao-Tu wasn't in my class & nor was El I just sat in the middle, I waited for a couple of minutes until the teacher came in and started speaking "Alright class of advanced primeval magic, I'll be demonstrating an old spell 10% will pass with at least a months worth of training." the class gasped the teacher raised her hand and created a weird looking creature "This is my familiar, each familiar is created biased off your magical attributes & personality" the familiar moves around her arms "Today I will guide you threw how to cast it...but remember each familiar is powered by your happiness so if you're in any deep sadness you'll know" she explained and little by little how to cast the spell.

She cast a spell that made all the desk disappear all the students moved to the corners of the classroom "Alright kiddies, get ready to attempt to summon your familiar " she had students go up and many of them failed."um Niterana Zufline, Come up say the casting" I walked to the middle of the classroom" I stand & reach my hands out to cast the spell "Yield before me your powers great essence of myself" a glowing light appears as a Man with horns and wings appears on the floor he disappears as quickly as he appeared but a symbol makes its way on my hand. "H-How...even some of the greatest sorcerers haven't been able to pull their familiars' humanoid form out..." she grabbed my hand and teleported out the classroom & to a special room with a bunch of men & women all looking to be in their 30s-50s I looked around.

"I- She- Familiar!" she huffed teleportation spells cost a great deal of energy from a wizard I healed her & she pointed at me "She unlocked her familiar on her 1st try & in the humanoid form!" she huffed the rest of the room gasped "I highly doubt that Ms.Galbaster, she's just a child 13 non the less!" she stared him in the eyes "Niterana Zufline, Do the spell." she turned to me I chanted the spell and the same man with horns and wings appeared. they all gasped "How is this possible!" the man in the back stood up abruptly I stood back scared of my surroundings "Master are you in danger?" the man bent down to my height his eyes glowed gold "My apologies Ms.Zufline, are you alright these goons may have scared you but they mean you no harm" my kindergarten teacher stood up and spoke to me "Oh um okay" I shuddered and put my arms down "But where am I?" the old man walked closer to me "This is the magic council meeting room.we're sorry for having kiddnaped you but your the 1st person to be able to do that in millions of years my dear" I gasped "Oh I'm sorry..." they tried to confort me "So I'm here because I did the spell?" they nodded "Your very talented, would you allow me to check your magical item?" I nodded at brought out the book they all gasped "That book!" I questioned their faces "That book is a powerful relic...and your able to control & use it's powers?" I nodded "I've tamed all of the beasts that reside inside the book." they looked at me with question "All of them? even the Fire Dragon Gali?" I nodded "A man in the back walked up and spoke "I'd like you to prove it" I opened the book and scrolled to the fire dragon space "Gali give me your powers" then a tint a red when over my hair and my eye turned red with a yellow dragon symbol in the middle the room went silent for a minute "Ah yes, this is perfect a child prodigy right in the middle of battle~" the same man said his blonde hair glisend as he grabbed my shoulder "umm...What war?" I asked "the Harmonies have been given a powerful magic and are currently trying to get into Gardainia, they've amost succeded but we've mangaged to stop them temporarily and-----" my eyes go wide whie they're explaining the war "So do you plan on training me as a weapon?" they're eyes widened "When you put it like that, we sound like terrible people..." I sighed "I'll do it as long as my friends get to fight alongside me!" they gasped "That depends on your friends magic levels, we cannot send average level 7th graders to the front lines" I grabbed the old mans hands "My friend Bao-tu is extremely powerful!" he laugehd "I know her, she's that girl who's had straight A's in every subject since she started school!". they talked abotu politics & other things about my powers for a long time.

I grabbed the teachers hand & teleported back to school until got a call on my cell. "Hello?" Bao-tu yelled threew the phone "Where have you been, me & that boy you picked up have been looking for you everywhere!" she yelled "I groaned "I was getting hired by the magic council! by the way are you looking for a job Bao Bao?" she went quiet for a moment "IfIi accept will i still have to go to school?" I laughed "Nope, once you acept you'll only be training in the offical magic camp for soliders!" she hung up I knew she was excited . "Tomorrow You'll be moving to the solider dorms with your friends after we check their magic skills?" I nodded running for the train station. I stopped running & sat down at the station'Hearing all the stories about Hamonies I always wondered why are world was so afriaid of them but as I got older i realized if they we're to end up living with us would are world crumble as ours do?' the Train arrived