Chapter 22 - I'm ready

Ichika ran into the chief's building to do her own research on the topic Luna brought up, she entered the main room where they met Arata and looked around, keenly scanning the room she spotted three wooden shelves laden with books on the eastern wall.

She slowly walked towards them and returned to human shape since she was relatively small in comparison to the shelves, her eyes closely examined the spine of the books which held the names of them. She reached the third shelf to the left side where a large, red book titled 'Human Sexual Practices' peaked her interest.

Removing her katana from the waist. she hopped up to the top of the shelf and began to skip through the pages, there was no author's name only two lengthy introductory pages speaking of what was documented inside, she jumped to the centre of the book and was blinded. The graphic illustrations representating kinky sexual acts from oral to anal sex and cosplay along with the bizarre explanations made her eyes widen from the humiliation.

Ichika was raised by feline kobolds who reproduced spiritually (The act of taking part of one's spirit and combining it with another's to create a new being) so she had no idea of these things, her curiosity grew as she returned to the first page to thoroughly study the contents; as she finished the first chapter on 'Foreplay' she felt her undergarments soak from her own lustful fluids, "I'm wetting myself? Better get back and change." she thought ignorantly but she would soon know that this was no urinary issue.

Jumping off the shelf, she tucked the book under her arm and rushed back to her living area to 'clean up', little did she know that the lack of sexual arousal dried up the liquid. Luna was still sitting on her verandah when she returned and asked about the book in a still taunting voice, Ichika was in such a hurry her presence was blocked out, "no time to talk now, gotta take care of something!" she scaled the rails and flew straight through her door, shutting it instantly.


"I've done it!" Takumi's body was soaked in sweat as he exclaimed his mastery of ki release, Arata, who was sleeping at the time, snorted as he reluctantly opened his eyes.

Arata stretched his body from tiredness and almost all his bones made a crackling sound from the process, "let's see what you can do," as he regained his composure, wanting to see Takumi do the same technique he did and the pupil happily obliged.

Taking a tall, solid stance, Takumi took a breath through his nose; his chest expanded as his body began to feel the ki around him, he copied the same sharp exhalation as Arata and his ki was released.

His vital breath manifested in a shimmering silver aura that looked like waves of water flowing over his body, his arrogance flared up as well as he decided to show off somewhat; he focused his ki on both his legs which made Arata have to look closely.

Takumi put on a smile of confidence as he bent his knees, he had almost completely reached the ground when he used the ki to propel himself into the air, after reaching a decent height, he used the ki once more to enhance the effect of gravity, falling down with the right leg held close to his chest.

When he was close to landing, he brought the leg down on the ball of his foot, smashing a piece of rock in a slab just as Arata did. The impact kept him airborne for longer and as the rock flipped up to a height he could reach, he brought up the left leg to collide with the rock, destroying it with one strike.

Takumi landed perfectly and calmed his ki as the sounds of falling pebbles dissipated and the sound of Arata giving applause reached his ears.

"Hey! The meat's ready! Get down here!" Misao's shouting reached the peak of the cliff and Arata was startled, nonetheless he had one more technique to pass on, "since you mastered ki release so quickly we'll test it some more," Takumi was led to the edge of the cliff and was told to jump.

"What?! That's crazy!" Takumi quickly distanced himself as Arata laughed aloud, after which he explained that he was to jump and release his ki on his feet so that the landing was cushioned.

Takumi's memory was jogged to the time when Arata and Misao jumped from the top of the cliff and landed without taking damage, he swallowed a gulp of spit out of fear, he was now able to sense ki without having to control his breathing and was able to just skip straight to the release aspect; the silver aura flowed once more and was concentrated around his feet, "ready when you are, make sure to bend your knees when you land," Arata gave a look of assurance as he too concentrated his ki and after Takumi nodded in agreement, they took the jump.

The way down went by quickly, Arata's expression was impossible to read but on Takumi's end the adrenaline rush was evident, he gritted his teeth as his cheeks stretched from the acceleration until they both reached the lake, landing with the same splashing effect made earlier. Takumi's legs shivered slightly but were unharmed and he took a a long sigh of relief.

"Well," Misao strolled over with a one sided smile, "seems you've mastered ki release, your fighting style is next and that'll take at least a month." Takumi replied with a goofy grin and he shook the tension out of his legs from the fall.

Arata beamed at Misao as he bragged about how Takumi liked his training better than her's, she completely ignored him and walked back to the camp.

Getting closer to the camp, a sweet aroma wafted over to Takumi's nose making his mouth water, "is that the griffin?" he asked with a look of hunger, Misao happily told him it was and gladly accepted the rare occasion of being complimented on her cooking. Behind the living area was a large fireplace with the plucked bird rotating over a pike, Aiko was tending to it as Misao had ordered and her face flushed red when her eyes met Takumi, who gave a wink.

Misao was unsure of why there was such an awkward energy going on between them but ignored it, "let's dig in!"


"Dear?" Lancelot knocked slightly on Aegis' door, "May I come in?"

A loud sniff followed by a voice hindered by sadness gave him permission and he entered, the distraught Aegis was on her bed with her head in the pillow, bawling her eyes out; Lancelot took a seat next to her and laid his hand on her head, "come now, you know it hurts me to see you cry," Aegis rolled over and her face, wrinkled from the tears showing the desperate effort to hold back the sadness.

"I- I'm scared father, what does she want me for?" her voice shook in fear as she explained her insecurity, Lancelot also had no idea what Urusla could possibly want Aegis for but he tried his best to comfort her. He rested her head on his chest as he ran her hands through her hair and allowed her to continue crying.

"Let it all out my dear, I swear I won't let anything happen to you."