Chapter 23 - Fury Kicks [18+]

"Wow, this is awesome Misao!" Takumi let out extravagant compliments that were muffled from a full mouth as he took off another piece of the meat.

Misao was sceptical as to how come he was giving two compliments in a row without including himself but still accepted, gladly informing him that the secret was in the spices that she discovered around the area, Aiko moved closer to Takumi and Arata took very small bites of the meat.

Takumi swallowed what he held in his mouth when his arrogance returned, "I propose a challenge Misao," She froze while reaching for another cut of meat and looked at him with raised eyebrows, "Let us see who can eat all of this the quickest." Misao's expression changed to a light grin as she cut off a flat piece of flesh; the one thing they had in common was their extravagant feelings of love towards food so she gladly accepted after eating what she took.

Misao cut off two of the griffin's legs and gave one to Aiko and Arata each so they wouldn't get in the way of the contest. The two challengers shuffled a few feet away from both sides of the pike and Arata advised that he and Aiko keep their distance as this could get messy.

"On the count of three, and no hands," Misao stated the rules and Takumi agreed. The countdown was completed when they both dived at the large piece of meat, Misao's head connected with Takumi's and he flinched; she dug into the griffin with her mouth and began to devour it, Takumi joined in soon after he recuperated.

Aiko and Arata stood by silently watching as the competitors gnawed into the flesh like wild animals, they both quickly ate their small rations from fear of it being taken away in case of a tie, and the way the challenge was headed, this outcome seemed very likely.

About half an hour of a tight competition a winner was declared, Takumi was flat on the ground with a piece of meat hanging from his mouth, his eyes formed swirls as his stomach growled from indigestion. Misao however was using a small thorn taken from the massive pile of bones to clean her teeth, "I win." she boasted, "I'm still kinda hungry though."

Aiko and Arata were absolutely speechless.


Inside Ichika's bathroom, she stood in front of a mirror with rough edges. She slowly pulled down her underwear to see if she needed to change, surprisingly for her there was no stain or stench as if there was nothing there no begin with, "That's odd," she pondered, "I could have sworn… oh well," she put her coverings back on and returned to the book which she had left in her bedroom.

Entering the room with vine green walls, she spotted the book on her circular bed; she quickly took it up and found the topic she had stopped on, which was marked by a folded page. The second chapter of the book was on 'masturbation', as she read through the first page she understood the concept instantly and progressing onward she came to a subtopic of gender based masturbation, beginning with males.

As she peered at the illustrations that came after the worded explanation, she giggled as she imagined Takumi doing such a thing. After she got over herself she moved to females, as she read through the description and the variations females had she felt her fluids seep out once more, "Again?" she stripped from waist down again and observed her centre, she finally realized that this wasn't urine but something else that she couldn't put her finger on, or could she?

She ran her finger across her flower to examine the liquid closer and when she did, a jolt of electricity coarsed through her body making her shudder, questioning the feeling she went and tried it again with the same result but a bit stronger. Her eyes skimmed over the page she was reading and stopped on the image of a specific female masturbating practice namely 'clitoral stimulation', she looked at her essence then back at the picture and put two and two together, "couldn't hurt to try," she thought curiously as she read more in-depth into the technique.

After Ichika understood the motion and rhythm she decided to try it on her own; resting two fingers on her clitoris which she found from following the other pictorial depictions, a stronger pulse ran through her body; she breathed out silently and moved her fingers in a circular motion slowly. Her arousal rose as she gradually picked up the pace, "this feels really good," her thoughts became clouded by lust as she dropped the book.

Two minutes into it she grew accustomed to the act and looked back into the book where she found another variation: 'fingering', her hand found it's way over her mouth as she was in awe of the explanation and of course her curiosity grew. She found her entrance and softly pressed against it with her index finger, "Here goes," she pushed in a little and felt a jab of pain from below which stopped her in her tracks, "Ouch! Not ready for that yet, let's go back to the other thing." she returned to rubbing and fell flat on her back to thoroughly enjoy the action.

Little did she know that Luna was watching her through a window, "Looks like she's having fun," she thought as she tried to contain laughter with a covered mouth, "I'll leave her to it."



A gush of water splashed onto Takumi's face waking him up harshly, "oh…what's up?" jumping up he sputtered as he saw Aiko over him with her water dragon mark losing it's light while crying and slightly laughing along with Misao a few yards away dying from the latter, "she forced me to do it!" Aiko squealed as she pointed at Misao who was rolling on the ground at this point.

Takumi got on his feet wringing out his hair that was unwrapped from the splash and walked over to the half dead Misao, asking her what was the need for her to awaken him. She slowly got up clutching her belly and informed him that it was time for him to learn his fighting style, "your upper body training is enough now so let's get into it, I'll be your mirror," Misao adopted her previous trainer's method of mirroring the student's moves so that the process would be quicker.

Arata stepped out to the village to try and play with Luna as well as Aiko who left to study the forest while the trainer and trainee warmed up. Starting a series of pushups Misao explained the basics of the style, it was a technique made to swap out the balances; which was to use the hands and upper body as a pivot and the feet as the attackers in opposition to the usual vice versa. Takumi asked for an example as he finished his set of forty, Misao nodded in agreement and walked over to a tree, "watch closely, this move is called Rajiarukatto (radial cut)" she looked up the tall, dark tree and released her ki; the dark red aura surrounded her feet and formed what seemed like sabers from knees down.

She bent over backwards a bit before she brought her hands behind her, as they anchored into the ground she flung the rest of her body upwards and released her hands causing the acting gravity to turn her in a circular motion as she landed on her back; one leg collided with the tree which made a large dent in the bark, the next leg smashed into the same area and that made an even bigger dent cutting halfway through the bark.

Takumi's visual learning knack set in and the technique which resembled break dancing to him was pasted in his mind, "that move is a five hit streak by the way," Misao walked over to Takumi who looked behind her to see a cloud of steam dissipate from the dent which made him raise an eyebrow looking impressed.

"Well, now let's get started!" Misao started him off with a basic move: Bakkureggusuramu (backleg slam)