Chapter 24 - Breakthrough [18+]

「Bakkureggusuramu!」Takumi took a side spin and made a circular dent in a tree, in a single day he had mastered the first move of fury kicks.

"Damn! You've got some skill with that!" Misao boldly acknowledged his innate skill to learn something just from looking at it once, "we may be able to finish up your training in less than a month,"

Beaming with pride, Takumi asked for the next move and was brought over to the waterfall where he was asked if he remembered what he was told at the beginning of his training on the matter of being able to split the waterfall. Recalling his memory Takumi replied saying he forgot about that, "well since your learning so quickly I'll show it to you now, but with one of my own moves then explain the concept," Misao replied as she ran her hand through the water.

She warned Takumi to watch closely as the rushing of the water may erase the mark almost instantly as she took a single step backwards. As she released her berserk ki, her eyes looked focused on the waterfall; she spread her arms outwards then concentrated the ki on the length of them, her killing intent was still powerful but Takumi could handle somewhat it at this point.

Misao waited for a while, with the ki moving over her hands like flaming wings she carefully observed where she was planning to strike while Takumi was carefully observing her. She soon found a ideal area and went for the strike 「Crane Slice!」 she rotated her body at an angle and only grazed the surface of the running water, without touching the rock behind it even once.

For a brief moment an 'X' shaped cut was seen in the waterfall before the rushing water covered it.

Misao calmed her ki then began to explain the technique, "the reason you'll need to be able to do this is because the ki in water is hard to manipulate, so once your able to cut it, walk on it or even hold it like a ball, you'll be considered a ki master." Misao further explained by saying that the technique was based on the amount of ki and the timing of the attack, Takumi would need to release just enough ki to go over the water's but would only take effect when the water is at a standstill, which explained the added difficulty of the waterfall.

Takumi thought it over many times, breaking down the explanation and after revisiting the visual demonstration, he understood and was ready to move on.


"*Ahn!…Hhat!*" Ichika moaned as she continued playing with herself, she became addicted to masturbation ever since she learned of it, she had been getting more aroused lately and the only possible way for her to relieve herself was through this method and everytime she did it, she had an orgasm that left her temporarily paralyzed.

She finished one more session on her bed before she went back to the book, she was determiened to finish it and learn everything about human sexual actions as possible, "now where was I?" she asked as she covered her naked body in a sheet before finding her book marking, "Ah! Here we are." The folded page marked the beginning of a chapter she had previously encountered but not thoroughly read: 'Cosplay'.

"Very interesting," she gently rubbed her finger against the words, totally intrigued by it. Ichika found herself being able to see herself perform all the acts that were documented in the book up until now, but this one truly peaked her interest, so much so that she felt the irresistible need to try it out and as such she found herself in front of her bathroom's mirror.


Meanwhile inside the demon castle town inn, Nashua sat at his bar table tapping his fingers at the wood, huffing from what seemed like boredom, "no business today, guess everyone is staying at home today." he commented sarcastically.

He got up from his chair and walked towards a tinted circular window, opening it he peered at the castle in the distance, the black aura around it gave off a sound of souls whispering and Nashua felt a wave of sadness overcome him, "I hope those kids do their job," he thought to himself as he remembered Ichika and Takumi's mission.

He opted to close the window when a shadowy figure seemed to be flying towards him. As the being flew closer it was revealed to be a bird which seemed to be used as a messenger due to the strap and case on it's back which was used to hold letters and paper documents.

The bird, which seemed to be a small crow landed on the window pane and turned it's back to Nashua who took the letter which was folded and wrapped cylindrically after which the bird flew off.

"Oh, it's from the Langaryo Kingdom, what could it be about?" Nashua wondered as he observed the unique white, shield-shaped crest with a subtle looking blue dragon situated on a black ribbon which signified things that came from the province. Unfolding the letter like a scroll he began to read it's contents.

~My good friend Nashua,

It deeply hurts me to tell you this but my kingdom is unable to provide you with protection, the undercover soldiers we've set to watch over your vicinity have not given their weekly report which could only mean one thing: Urusla's forces have killed them. The only advice I can offer is for you to flee to the safe village.

My Apologies- Darkon Langaryo Kingdom~

Nashua fell to his knees with his heart racing from fear as the words he just read shot through his soul like a thousand arrows, "I- I need…to run," he immediately ran upstairs to gather his things. As he hurriedly packed and was back on the bottom floor, someone knocked on his door, demanding that they be let in.

Nashua was insecure and refused which halted the knocking, but when he thought he was in the clear the front of his inn was blown off sending Nashua flying across the floor, two male demons in faceless masks were seen when the dust settled, one lifted his arm and released a pulse of jade energy, knocking him out cold.


"Good work, put him in a containment unit," Urusla smiled as her underlings brought the unconscious Nashua into the laboratory. He was stripped bare and placed in another capsule shaped container along with the many others which all had pipes running from the tops in the cold, metal walled room.

Urusla strolled over to a demon who stood behind a metal table laid out with buttons and a single lever, "anytime you're ready ma'am, we'll begin the turning sequence," he informed his queen who stood beside him. She nodded in agreement and the demon pressed a large button, the capsule Nashua was in began to flood with a blue jelly like liquid and became full a few seconds later, the demonic scientist then pushed another button and a jolting sound was heard and small electric volts were seen in Nashua's capsule, waking him up.

Urusla twirled her hair as she hurried the demon along, Nashua seemed to only be able to move his eyes when a lever was pulled; the hissing sound of gas came from the pipes and a blood red misty solution was injected into the capsule. Nashua's body instantly began to spasm and his mouth released air bubbles as he attempted to scream. His brutal writhing only grew stronger as the mist encased him until finally it completly covered the container, turning the liquid red.

The demon pushed the lever back to it's original position and the mist was slowly cleared out, Urusla stared in anticipation as the mist dispersed, revealing a new creature; Nashua was no more, he went back to unconsciousness and his body had red veins popping out all over his skin and his head grew two twirling red horns, it seemed that his existence had been erased. The scientist was pleased with his work and informed Urusla.

"The turning process is complete, we have a new demon in our army."


Meanwhile in the safe village, Lancelot was pacing around his room when Aegis barged in, "Father! Father! Come quickly, I've had a breakthrough!" Lancelot was happy to see his daughter back to normal and followed her to her room.

Inside, she led him over to her table which held a Senjō board with the pieces aligned in an inverted triangle. Lancelot was confused and asked what was the importance of the game board, the response he received was truly a breakthrough.

"I've been thinking about the issue with Urusla and the raid came to mind." Aegis' expression was enthusiastic as she explained the concept, "This Senjō board represents how we'll set up our forces in an army setting, ready for Urusla and her army to attack, we'll be defending our village."