Chapter 25 - Winding Down

The time in the gaikotsu clan base was winding down with less than a week left before they departed, everyone had moved forward in terms of their own personal issues along with discovering new things.

On Takumi's side, his improvement was as clear as crystal, he had spent all of his time devoted to both learning the moves of his fighting style and developing his body, so much so that Misao had to force him to get rest with reminding him that he wouldn't be at optimum performance if he didn't; Takumi was so determined to get stronger, he didn't even have to suffer another injury.

His body had become more toned over the weeks, his stomach wasn't a small bulge anymore, but more of an extraordinary six pack of abdominals accompanied by a hard pair of pecks, his calves and thighs were built so strongly that they seemed to be able to cut diamonds, his entire body had become a work of muscular art.

"We've been doing well for the past weeks," Misao praised, "you only have one more move to learn and you're done." she was genuinely impressed by Takumi and actually felt honoured to be his teacher while he was happy that he would soon be able to flaunt all his arrogance without worry of it being thrown back into his face due to bluffing, "Well, let's not waste anymore time, on to the final move." Misao ordered.

The twenty fifth move of the fury kicks style was as expected the most powerful, which Misao explained. It was called, 'Kaosurasshu' (chaotic rush)


The safe village was buzzing as Lancelot announced the plan of defense against the demons, "prismatic elves please assemble here!" Aegis shouted in a sweet voice and almost immediately after, a group of ten female humanoid beings flew from behind a cluster of buildings to the western end of the village riding on what seemed like pentagrams made of sparkles and landed at Aegis' feet.

They each wore a suit of mage gowns with sleeves that ran from the elbow down ranging between all the colours of the rainbow which seductively exposed small areas of their breasts and legs, also, they all wore a golden collar around their necks with cirlcled pentagrams running around them. Their hair which ran over their long, pointed ears was smooth and had light colours which flowed over their beautiful faces with their eyes that were so white that they blended in perfectly with their sclera, which was common for all prismatic elves.

Aegis began the explanation by telling them that they would be stationed in the second row of the formation behind the dragon hosts based on strength which would require them to be constantly on guard just in case the front line were to fall. The elves understood and went over to Lancelot to receive the formation.

Aegis then called for the dryads and nereids (A species which was the precise opposite of a dryad, having control over things of water).

A pair of a male and female dryads, clothed in loose fitting cloaks, each of a dark green colour walked over, the male had a black, shaved beard which highlighted the green vine-like pattern that ran over his face, the shadow that the cloak's hoodie cast hid the rest of his facial features but the female who had folded her sleeves and hoodie exposed her skin with the same pattern as her pair. The female dryad's lips were chapped but her other facial features made up for it, her eyes were sparkling green and her hair was a rose gold colour running off her innocent looking face.

"No! I'll do it!" A squeaky female voice shouted as it gradually grew louder, "Says who?! I'll be the one to do it!" said another voice with the same sound but only lower in pitch. Aegis and the two dryads turned around to see the two female nereids that were called wearing a suit of short, white tunics tied at the waist in a chain belt along with a pair of spiked boots with matching blonde hair tied into ponytails arguing about an unknown matter as they walked over to them.

"*Ahem*" Aegis cleared her throat in signal for them to stop. "Oh! Haha! Sorry about that." the shorter and skinnier of the two scratched her head while the other rolled her eyes and folded her arms. They were twins with physical features so identical that the only noticeable difference was their height and weight; with eyes of dark blue colour and round faces, their beauty was evident, from neck down their bodies with skin covered in pale, blue scales were curved at the hips and plump at the breasts with the variables of weight and height of course.

Aegis gave the information to them about being on the third line behind the pixies with the dryads and would provide backup support for the front line attackers, the concept was understood quickly and they too went over to Lancelot for the final rundown.

In a hallow tree nearby, a crow with jade shards running through its feathers was watching closely at the preparations and as five gold glowing balls of light flew over to Aegis and hovered over her, the bird flew off, headed in the direction of the demon kingdom.


"Oh! Is that so?" Urusla licked her upper lip with a smile after a series of squawks from the crow, "Well, they better get everything in order before I decide to strike!" she laughed as she flung her hands in the air which startled the bird into flying away, the roaring of demons echoed through the castle.


"I wonder if Takumi's training is going well?" Ichika asked herself as she took a break from her treasured book of lust. She set out where she met Arata along with Luna who were headed in the same direction. Leaving from her father's side, Luna locked elbows with Ichika, "so…are you going to do it with Takumi?" she looked up at Ichika grinning from ear to ear, Arata immediately got the message from the term Luna used and decided to walk faster.

Ichika who still hadn't become one hundred percent inclined with sexual terms was confused and asked for an elaboration. "Come on! I saw you in there, you know…" Luna laughed as she probed Ichika's mind but there was still no bell rung, eventually she gave up and gave gesture of pushing her index finger in and out of a circle formed by two fingers of the other hand and it was then that Ichika finally caught onto what she was being asked.

"I-I…um…I haven't…really…thought…about it… Maybe?" Ichika's face blushed as the thought of making love with Takumi made her body shudder surprisingly from pleasurable imagination and her ever growing romantic emotions for him further amplified this feeling and Luna quickly noticed this, "I won't pressure you…all I can say is that he's really good," Ichika saw Luna's ecstasy and took her word for it.

They soon approached the forest's entrance and took a stride to enter when a loud bang frightened them, running hurriedly they saw the aftermath of what seemed like a heavy strike, a large number of trees were split down the middle and the very ground was covered in large cracks under a blanket of smoke; the smoke slowly cleared and a sole tree that was barely standing was seen, with Aiko hiding behind it shivering in fear.

Loud clapping was heard as the remaining residue of smoke blew in the wind, "you did it!" Misao's voice echoed. Flailing their arms to quickly fan the smoke away the rest of the group gathered around and found Takumi on his knees, panting; he seemed exhausted but his smile was as wide as the ocean, "I've done it guys!" He exclaimed, "I've completed my training," he ran around and gave everyone a big hug, a high cheer went up for Takumi's great achievement.

Arata took a bolting run out to the village and returned soon after with what seemed like a wine bottle in his hand, "this can make this even more special." He raised the bottle to the air starting a party and with wine glasses made of ice courtesy of Ichika's ice dragon force, they started a grand celebration to remember.