Chapter 39 - Visit to Flaryo Kingdom

Lancelot informed those close to him of the invite and was ready to depart within a day.

At the west gate of the kingdom, a luxurious carriage was being pulled by a pair of mature arions. Dressed in his best robes, Lancelot had everything he needed for his journey to the province located in the western part of Endolis.

Over the thousands of years since the history changing battle of Minori, the humans now dragon hosts all built civilizations across the land, with the exception of the already taken settlements of the giants, dryads, nereids and other beings, the remainder of Endolis was divided into four separate kingdoms holding sovereignty to each of the four Dragon Emperors.

In the northern part was Tenshu holding sovereignty to Daichi, the south Langaryo to Mizuki, the east was Nekai for Typhon and finally Flaryo in the west for Ashrock. Each kingdom was set up in coincidentally close proximity to where each dragon emperor held their domain when they were of flesh.

But although each kingdom held individual differences in the fact that there were only dragon hosts of the same element as the kingdom's respective dragons residing there, they all held the reverence to the Sun and Moon Dragon Emperors in common.

"When will you return?" asked Urusla who stood next to the carriage as she gently rocked Aegis in her arms.

Lancelot simply replied with a shrug, saying that knowing how hot-headed the Flaryo king was, he would probably return sooner rather than later. With that said he stepped into the carriage and as he took a seat he peered outside the windows as if he was searching for someone.

"I'm here!" shouted a raspy, old voice as loud stomps could be heard getting louder by the second which soon revealed to be coming from Gyotan, Lancelot's good friend and top advisor.

"Get in HOHOHO!" Lancelot laughed as Gyotan boarded the carriage, and with a crack of the reins by a guard acting as a driver, they set off.

Urusla turned towards the castle with an inconspicuous smile plastered across her face, "he's gone, now I can get some business underway and even have some fun ufufu." she muttered.


The trip spanned over a course of two days and they soon arrived at the province.

The castle was situated in a rocky area to the right of a volcanic dome. The structure was medieval as all other castles but was made of a bright red rock looking like heated metal. Although the castle was right next to an active volcano, the heat wasn't overwhelming but rather soothing.

As they entered the castle main gate, it was revealed to have similar architecture to Tenshu but instead of having towns in cardinal locations, the towns were organized in a circle around the castle.

Leaving the carriage, which was then escorted to a stable to be parked, Lancelot and Gyotan made their way into the castle. Walking down the radiant hallways illuminated with bright torches that contrasted beautifully with the dark obsidian walls.

They soon found themselves in the throne room, greeted with bows from the servants and inaudible scoffs from the king and queen who sat on their respective thrones waiting.

The king, named Sota Kirameshi had spikey, red hair that looked like a blazing flame on top of his head and chiseled features with brown eyes. Along with his wife, Tatsu, with wavy hair of a brighter red than Sota, a voluptuous figure, hazel eyes and an arrogant expression of a disgusting nature which left a distasteful demeanour to her naturally beautiful face.

"Glad you could make it," Sota's deep voice echoed slightly as he rose from his throne and lead Lancelot and Gyotan over to a round table.

As they sat, Lancelot was eager to get the matter over with and as such, he asked what what was the need for him to be called for.

"Well," Sota stated as his expression became serious, "It is the same issue that we have been trying to get you to agree with ever since our generation ascended the throne."

Lancelot rolled his eyes as he perfectly predicted this, "*sigh*, the issue of using currency. I'll answer the same as last time, when you get the other kingdoms to agree then speak to me again."

Sota's eyebrows furrowed as Tatsu took a seat next to him, a short period of silence set in which was broken when Sota slightly chuckled.

"Well, we have gotten the other kingdoms to agree." Sota stated as he snapped his finger which brought over a servant holding a small box.

Gyotan raised an eyebrow when he saw this and asked what was the need of the box. Lancelot, having the same reaction kept quiet.

"Well then," Tatsu spoke for the first time since their arrival with the tone of her voice enhancing her already arrogant aura, "it is one of the many deposits of our Flaryo coins. The other kingdoms only agreed when we posed the idea of each kingdom having their individual currency."

Lancelot's curiosity outweighed his cautiousness as the box was pushed across the table towards him. Slowly stretching his hand out he opened the box, inside were almost 200 black, glassy coins seemingly made from obsidian and bore the insignia of Flaryo.

"I must say, they do look good." Daichi stated, "Ashrock, what do you and the other dragons think of this?"

Inside the dragon realm, all the dragon emperors were gathered and all shared the view of the concept of currency being harmless.

Hearing this, Gyotan felt slightly angry. "The four kingd- no, all of Endolis has survived many millennia without currency, why do we need it now?" he asked with a disdainful expression

The dragons excused themselves from the debate as they had a tendency to leave issues that do not drastically affect the world for the dragon hosts to handle. Sota then stated that it would bring order and a higher sense of unity in Endolis.

"Hmph! Good point but, in my opinion Endolis is already united. I see that this conversation will bring us no resolution so I shall take my leave." Lancelot had given up on any reasoning as he and Gyotan rose from their seats.

"I agree with you," Daichi said, "but think nothing of it for now."

The Flaryo king and queen watched as Lancelot and Gyotan left without a final word, with that they decided to leave one more thing.

"Lancelot!" Sota shouted, which halted the steps of the duo, "Even though you don't like the idea, I hope that you do not restrict the residents of your kingdom who do from acquiring the currency of other kingdoms as payment for services."

Lancelot paused for a while as he took a glance at the couple, he simply nodded and left.


Meanwhile in Tenshu, Urusla currently standing in front of a gathering of thirty or so men, all dressed lightly and built for heavy work. They all looked as if they had some strenuous work ahead of them.

"Okay men!" Urusla said with a tinge of cheer in her voice, "We have about one week to get this secret lair built so get moving!"

Little did she know that Lancelot was set to return sooner than she expected.