Chapter 40 - Suspicion

In a secluded area along a wall of the Tenshu Castle, some serious construction work was taking place which was evident with all the sounds of rocks being crushed echoing through the air.

"Very good, keep digging!" Urusla was overseeing the disguised demons who were busy digging a burrowing tunnel, using tools made of drakonite along with their strength which came from their demonic powers.

She had planned this perfectly as she made sure that no civilians came within seeing distance of the site, a little extra security was added with buff demons acting as a perimeter.

The hole was small as the project only started a day ago, but with the immense strength of demons and the brutal dictatorship of Urusla, she herself predicted it would be completed in the coming weeks when Lancelot was away.


As the sounds of the arions hooves hitting the ground reverberated, Lancelot was getting closer and closer to finding out what his wife was up to.

"Are you planning to infuse currency in our kingdom?" Gyotan asked, still sceptical due to the previous conversation.

Lancelot stared quietly at the floor of the carriage before answering, "No, I see no need to but if the citizens want to use the other kingdoms' currency then I will not stop them."

Gyotan didn't answer and as such the remainder of the journey was rather silent.


Another two days went by and Urusla was still unsuspecting of Lancelot's return. She was at her construction site with the hole deep enough for the excavation to begin when a woman came to her.

"Um, M-my Qu-queen…" she stuttered in worry.

Urusla cocked an eyebrow and frantically gestured for her to hurry with what she had to say.

The woman looked to the ground before saying, "Lancelot has returned."

These words almost made Urusla choke on her own saliva, the workers heard this and immediately stopped their work; looking to their queen to get them out of such a situation.

"I didn't expect him to come back so soon!" Urusla inwardly cursed as she searched her mind for an excuse to get out of this situation.

She was soon hit with an epiphany and moved, ordering the workers to continue their task, she made haste towards the castle.


Lancelot had unpacked the carriage and bid goodbye to Gyotan, he was about to take a stroll about the kingdom when Urusla came barging into the throne room where he sat.

"Ah, my dear." Lancelot greeted, "I was wondering where you were."

Urusla gave an angelic smile as she reached his throne, sat on his lap and gave him a passionate kiss; she immediately put her plan in action, bearing an innocent look as if she was hiding something which baited Lancelot into asking what the matter was.

"I was busy with a little project while you were away," Urusla said with her finger resting on her lower lip, enhancing her innocent look. "I wanted to surprise you with a little underground wing, you will choose what you want to do with it. Thoughtful right?"

Urusla still held up her fake innocence in hope that Lancelot would buy into her words. His expression was somewhat confused and suspicious but it soon subsided when he drew back on the sweet personality he had come to know his wife possessed, Urusla had done a fantastic job of keeping up appearances over the years.

"Hohoho! I appreciate it, my love." Lancelot bellowed, "but sadly I have no use for it, how about you take it and do whatever you desire with it?"

Lancelot played right into the hands of Urusla with such a response, but she couldn't show it for obvious reasons; she left him another kiss and proceeded to leave the throne room, as she reached the door her previously innocent smile changed to one more devious.

Unbeknownst to her, Gyotan was standing next to the entrance of the throne room as she passed and he got a clear view of her sneer; feeling the need to clarify, he went to Lancelot.

"What was that all about?" he asked as he approached the throne.

Lancelot raised an eyebrow at this, asking what Gyotan meant. No worded response was given, only a look of suspicion was shot across the room, causing Lancelot to speak up.

"She was building an underground bunker of some sort for me, that's all." He answered, hoping to quell the doubt but only did the opposite.

Gyotan had no idea what Lancelot could possibly be doing with a bunker now, it couldn't possibly be for safety during some unprecedented event, he thought, the sheer number of people living in Tenshu wouldn't be able to fit there.

"Gyotan, you worry too much, leave it be." Lancelot said with a chuckle, seeing his advisor in such a state of confusion.

Gyotan harrumphed before heaving a sigh, after which he left the presence of Lancelot, gone to do some detective work of his own.


As the weeks passed, Gyotan was keeping a close eye on Urusla, watching her every move and everyday he watched his suspicions grew more intense but he refused to being them up to Lancelot to prevent himself from coming off as nit-picking.

What he did not know however, was the fact of Urusla being well aware of his suspicions but she knew that the character she had built wouldn't be suspected that easily and as such she continued her hiding her plans in plain sight.

Her dungeon was finished in less than a month and thus, another aspect of her vindictive scheme was completed.