Chapter 42 - Chronicles of Luna

"It's nighttime?!" Luna exclaimed, the excitement she felt before dying down as she surveyed the environment around her.

She had expected it to be during the day when people would be roaming, giving her the opportunity to properly set up a living space in the area; but no such luck, and so she decided to walk aimlessly.

"Ashrock!" she shouted mentally.

The fire dragon emperor answered with annoyance in his voice, Luna then asked if she was near his province (The Gaikotsu knew everything going on in the outside world due to all elements being present there)

"No, sadly." Ashrock replied, "all I know is that you should be close to Tenshu; That's where Daichi reigns."

Luna didn't even bother thanking him as she continued walking aimlessly through the desert, eventually she reached a narrow canyon. Trying to look above but seeing no summit she decided to head through, but as she did she felt a strange chill go down her spine followed by a shadow fly above her.

"Sphinx!" she muttered from the realization.

She started to take a stride but she was a second too late; the sphinx had set it's sights on Luna as she landed in front of her. With eyes laced with a menacing glare as the riddle was given.

"Burning silently, flames bright as day. Eons passing, quickly they fade. Thou knows this flame, the flame and thou soul art the same. What is the origin of this flame?" the sphinx asked, bearing her fangs as she spoke.

As per the usual occurrence when someone came across a sphinx, Luna was dumbfounded. She couldn't even think of something close to the correct answer and guessing was out of the question taking the risks in consideration.

"Have any ideas?" Luna posed the question to Ashrock.

"Nope." he replied bluntly, "you're talking to me quite a lot today, aren't you?"

Luna heaved an exasperated sigh as she turned her attention back to the sphinx, who was now hovering above her. She decided to take a risk as she brought out her waraxe from the dragon realm then jumped at the beast, looking quite astonishing with her small size easily wielding such a weapon.

She took a swing leaving a trail of flames behind as she attacked, but it soon proved futile when the sphinx easily dodged the attack and delivered a kick to Luna's stomach, sending her crashing to the ground.

"Dammit!" she cursed, realizing that she couldn't defeat the sphinx with her current strength she decided to a different course of action.

She returned her waraxe to the dragon realm and began gathering flame in both her palms, forming a fireball the size of a boulder she threw the mass of energy at the sphinx, who took the attack head-on, leaving a cloud of smoke behind.

Dispersing the smoke with her wings, the sphinx looked down to see Luna had disappeared completely, leaving no trace. The sphinx snarled before flying away, admitting defeat.

Now inside the canyon, a critter bearing resemblance to a rabbit with the exception of the sharp protruding teeth was watching the sphinx fly away when flames burst from it, leaving Luna standing in it's place.

She heaved a sigh of relief before continuing her journey, walking across the Hallow Plains eventually reaching the forest. She ended up finding a cave and after exterminating the beasts inside for food, fell asleep inside.


Late morning, Luna woke up with some mild pain from sleeping on the hard ground. She took a whiff of herself and found that there was no lingering odour, much to her liking.

"I should head to that 'Tenshu'. Not too fond of living outside." Luna decided as she left the cave.

After getting over the sun blindness she got, she started walking deeper into the forest; She walked past a fairly short mountain giving off an ominous energy.

"Maybe I should explore that once I settle down?" She thought.

After half an hour of walking, Luna set sights on the kingdom of Tenshu in a valley. She started jogging and eventually reached the north gate which was closest to the forest, she was slightly astonished to see the species that she had only heard about back at her home. She was about to walk towards the castle when she was stopped by guards.

"Little girl, are you lost?" the female guard questioned with a stern tone.

Luna felt greatly irritated by this but she calmed herself knowing that these people may have never seen a Gaikotsu before. She took a deep breath and revealed her fire dragon mark which she had been hiding up until now, to the surprise of the guards.

"Tell your king that a member of the Gaikotsu Clan needs to see him." Luna said, trying to hide the smug grin on her face.

The guards shrugged before the female left to do Luna's bidding.

The guard returned a few minutes later, telling Luna that she had gained her audience with the king. She harrumphed before escorting herself to the throne room.

Urusla and Lancelot who sat on their respective thrones peered at Luna as she walked in. The four kingdoms had basic knowledge of the existence of the Gaikotsu but none of them have ever reported any sightings, and this was what lead Lancelot to accepting Luna's request.

"What do you need, Miss?" Lancelot asked, indicating in his voice that he wanted to know her name.

"Luna Hashurama. I don't really need anything, just someone with the earth dragon force to build a house for me." She replied with a mature tone.

The royal couple noticed the adult way Luna spoke and that proved that she was indeed older than her appearance, as the description of the Gaikotsu said.

"Simple enough." Urusla said, "But won't it be easier to just live in the kingdom?"

Luna nodded in denial, saying that due to the fact that she held the fire dragon force then her presence here would surely disrupt the balance of power between the different kingdoms, she then added that she preferred living in the forest.

"Okay, fair enough." Lancelot said with a nod, "since you choose to live in the forest then a wooden house will do, am I right?"

Nodding with a grin, Luna agreed with Lancelot who volunteered himself to build the house; again she agreed.


A fair distance away from the kingdom, Lancelot had built a cosy looking hut for Luna which she greatly appreciated. She did some light hunting to prepare a meal before jumping onto her bed, provided by Lancelot along with all the other furniture.

"Ahhh, this is the life!" Luna released a satisfied breath, a wide smile plastered on her face.

This marked the day Luna's new life outside of the Gaikotsu Clan settlement would begin.