Chapter 43 - Slowly Coming Out

Sometime before Reiki was scheduled to return for a sample of Urusla's blood.

The couple was still inside their bedroom waiting when Lancelot noticed the worried look on his wife's face as she refused to sit down.

"Don't worry, dear." He comforted, "Once Reiki finds the being then all this will be cleared up."

Urusla nodded with a smile before taking a seat on the bed, the worried expression had still not gone from her face but Lancelot didn't press further. Yes, she was worried but not about Aegis; she was only interested in saving her own skin and not jeopardizing her plan.

A short while later, a knock sounded on their door. After granting permission of entry it was revealed to be Reiki, carrying a vial, a small dagger and a strange blue fruit.

"Let's get started, shall we?" Reiki said as she walked over to Urusla.

"Y-You'll be filling that?" Urusla asked while feining fear as she pointed at the vial.

Reiki nodded in agreement, she consoled by saying that it would be over in a moment, she then sat Urusla down and prepared her for the process.

Using the dagger which was kept in optimal sharpness, Reiki made a small gash in Urusla's arm causing a good amount of blood to begin flowing. Not a drop was wasted as the vial was placed beneath the wound, filling the container slowly.

After a couple seconds when the vial was almost full, Reiki asked Lancelot to slice the fruit she held. He did just that and the fruit was allowed to drip a blue liquid on Urusla's open wound; the minor pain she felt quickly disappeared as did the wound, even though it was significantly slower than her healing abilities would have.

The vial was now full and Reiki covered it, she said nothing after and left immediately to begin her research.


Urusla was now alone in the bedroom, Lancelot had gone for his usual stroll around the kingdom.

"Dammit! Why am I so on edge?!" Urusla thought as she paced around the room nervously twirling her hair.

She was worried about the previous event, giving her blood to Reiki was something of great risk given the immense power of a fairy's clairvoyance, then her true species may be revealed.

But she could do nothing now, all she could do was wait.


Flying high above the kingdom's streets was Reiki, heading towards her home to study the blood sample; She soon reached the large house she called home. Upon entering a room that was specifically set up for medical purposes, she poured a small amount of the blood onto a glass plate.

Taking a seat in front of the table, her eye colour switched from black to yellow as she activated her clairvoyance; she manifested some runic markings on her hand and directed them onto the liquid. In her eyes, the blood looked intriguing; although the blood of every living thing had the same red colour, it was different when a fairy examined it using their ability.

When the clairvoyant ability was used on blood, the fairy would be able to see the energy signatures moving inside. Urusla's blood had a jade-green energy signature coursing through it, totally different from what a human would have- or any known species for that matter.

"What the-" Reiki exclaimed mentally as she continued to examine the blood, "Urusla isn't human?!"

The shocking revelation prompted Reiki into doing some deeper research, hence she shut down her power and walked towards an expansive bookshelf in her examination room. She held many books written by fellow fairies about the different species present in Endolis, she thought that the unknown species Urusla belonged to may be documented in one of them.

She took a total of six books from the shelf, each of them was written with the consideration of a fairy reading it by chance and thus, they had the energy signature colours of each species documented, which made Reiki's job significantly easier.

"*Sigh*, there goes all hopes of me sleeping the rest of the day." She said with sadness.


A myriad of hours had passed, night had fallen and Reiki finished all six books but found no species holding the energy signature she found in the blood sample; The closest being a dryad with their lime-green energy signature but with Urusla not having any of the visible features of a dryad, this possibility was quickly discarded.

Out of obvious options at the time, Reiki returned the blood to the vial but then she was faced with another surprise while doing this; as many years in medicine would have done, she was familiar with how blood would look and smell when it was decaying but Urusla's showed none of those characteristics! The liquid was fresh as ever.

Large bags had formed under her eyes so she decided to no pursue any further for tonight, she needed sleep.


The next day arrived and Reiki chose to pay another visit to the castle.

"What do you mean she's not human?!" Lancelot asked in utter disbelief after Reiki informed him of her findings.

Reiki gestured for him to quiet down, she had wanted them to meet in secret due to her not knowing what the severity of this matter was. She further explained that there was no solid reason for him to be so worried, seeing that she really didn't know exactly what the species was capable of.

"I'm planning to go to the Fairy Tree to get some information from the Fairy Queen. Hopefully she'll be able to tell me what specie is." Reiki ended.

With a loud harrumph, Lancelot agreed with her plan and their secret meeting ended. Unbeknownst to them however, Urusla was silently listening at the door.

Urusla hurriedly returned to the bedroom and frantically wrote a letter, the recipient being Karu; He was to meet her during the night for a special assignment.


The met in an alley at midnight and Karu was particularly happy to see her; They hadn't met in weeks and he had some pent up frustrations he wanted to release.

"So what is it you need, my queen?" he asked, not remotely trying to hide the smug tone of his voice.

"None of that today, if you complete the task I am about to give then you can have me for as long as you want." Urusla replied, wasting no time.

"A fairy has gotten possession of my blood, I feel she's close to finding out that I'm a demon…"

Karu's expression changed to surprise for a while then changed to a rather menacing smile as he guessed what Urusla needed, she continued saying-

"…I need you to kill her."