Chapter 62 - Takumi's Harem

It was hours past midnight as Lancelot moved around in the dim lighting of his study to get a cup of tea, something in his heart set off an uneasy feeling and this was a way to calm his nerves.

"Good, you're awake." Daichi voiced in a solemn tone, "I have some bad news."

Upon hearing this, Lancelot hurriedly poured himself a cup before heading over to a chair, where he told Daichi to lay the news on him.

The earth dragon emperor sighed before he informed Lancelot of the happenings at the demon castle, the removal of Daichi's connection to Aegis, the fear of her soul being broken now that she was truly alone. He ended the explanation with an apology.


Lancelot lost all sense in the world due to the sudden shock, causing the small cup of tea to shatter upon falling. All the worries he had about his daughter's safety were dangerously amplified, his body shuddered as he painfully tried to hold back the tears, Daichi could feel every emotion.

"Have faith, she's a strong girl." he said, truly wanting to offer some form of condolence.

"Daichi please," Lancelot replied mentally, "I need some time alone."

Soon after, Daichi's presence in his mind vanished as he gritted his teeth and stopped trying to hold back, his eyes ran a flood.


Quite late the next morning, after having a hearty breakfast, Takumi set out in a happy but at the same time worried mood. Today was the day he would speak to all the women he became involved with about the situation of polygamy.

He first journeyed to the house he knew was closer, Aiko's. Knocking on her door, she greeted him in a tight fitting, pink suit of pajamas as she smiled upon seeing him.

"Could you meet me in the middle of the forest at noon? There's something I must speak to you about." He stated, getting straight to the point.

She tilted her head to the side while cocking an eyebrow, wondering what were his intentions. She was about to question him when he abruptly landed a passionate kiss on her lips.

"Don't think about it too much okay?" He said charmingly after releasing, strutting away soon after.

Aiko gently rubbed her lips while blushing as she watched him walk away, she now couldn't wait to meet him in the forest.

"Okay, one down, three to go." Takumi thought, eyeing his next destination: the house of Kirika and Meril.


As he walked however, Ichika was on top of a random house in the village enjoying the breeze from the altitude when she saw him kiss Aiko. Her vantage point allowed her an untainted view of the entire village.

"What's he up to now?" she muttered as her eyes followed him to Meril's house.

She took on her feline form before hopping from building to building like a seasoned ninja and stopped just one house away from where he stood, from her position along with her enhanced animal hearing, she could properly perceive what was being said.


One knock was all that was needed, Meril opened the door and smiled brightly when she saw who the visitor was. Ichika's whiskers fluffed out of suspicion.

Don't tell me Meril laid with him too! How many women does he have?! Her mind raged in thought.

"Three days in a row?" Meril asked, breaking Ichika's train of thought "You're stuck to me. Need anything?"

She watched as Takumi laughed loudly before asking her to meet him in the forest at noon, along with Kirika, to which Meril only agreed after savoring a wet kiss.

That makes it four. Ichika thought as she followed Takumi some more, That means he's going to see Luna next.

She was indeed correct, her trailing led her outside the village and through the forest where Luna's hut was situated. She sat in a small tree just above her house as he prepared to knock.

"Hehe, he's gonna get it now. Luna's not up yet." Ichika couldn't help but mutter out loud about the supposedly coming storm that Takumi had.

When his knuckles hit the wooden door several times, Ichika was already on the edge of her seat. She couldn't wait to see what sort of damage Luna would deal to Takumi for waking her up.

"Who the hell?!" Luna shouted as she opened the door in rage only to calm down instantly after seeing who stood there, "oh, hi Takumi."

Huhh?! Ichika was dumbfounded, Does being with Takumi affect women in such a way?!

While she was busy battling her own ignorance, Luna already accepted his invite and by the time she turned her sights back to the house, Takumi had already left.

"It's fine, I'll be at this meeting too." She said before launching herself to another tree.


Noon came and Takumi was walking to where he had scheduled the meeting, with Ichika following closely behind without his knowledge.

He reached the location in a matter of seconds, which was an area that had significantly less trees but more stumps. All the ladies were gathered, Luna sat on Aiko's lap as they played with each other's hair while Meril and Kirika sat across from them.

"Good you're all here," Takumi said before taking a seat between them.

Ichika was still listening in on top of the closest tree.

"Now, the reason you are all gathered here is because you all have something in common," Takumi began with a clenched fist under his chin, trying to sound as smooth as possible, "You all have had encounters with my rod and have developed some strong emotions for me. Now, I too feel something for each of you but it might cause problems since more women may be added to our little gathering. Do you all feel comfortable with being in an open relationship?"

The air was silent after these words sank in, silent for quite some time. Until each woman present burst out into a booming chorus of laughter, even Kirika, who was quite shy for being with all his other women.

"Of course we're okay with it!" Aiko was the first to speak after drying a tear under her glasses which got free from her laughter.

"We literally had a threeway with you sometime ago!" Luna spoke after, indicating with her finger herself and Aiko.

"Us girls talked about it when we were waiting on you to come to yesterday, they even know about our child!" Meril continued.

"We were just waiting to see if you'll talk to us about it." Kirika finished it off on a cute note.

Takumi was so shocked by this turn of events that he couldn't help but laugh as well. All the girls got up after getting over their laughter and each laid a kiss on some part of his face simultaneously before walking off, only to stop abruptly where the turned to him.

"We love you, Takumi!" they each said coincidently before running off giggling, Takumi could hear them speaking of bizzare things as their voices faded, one of which was about having an orgy with him, making him blush.

Harems are awesome! He thought as he too made his way back to the village with happy steps and a beaming smile.


Up in a particular tree, a cat girl was having thoughts of her own.

"Maybe being in a harem isn't so bad," Ichika said to herself, her own love for Takumi influencing her thoughts.