Chapter 63 - Suggestion

After Takumi's meeting with his newly established harem, he saw it fit to visit Reiki and take a sneak peek at what sort of studies she wished to perform on him.

He reached her door in a matter of seconds and made a knock, when he received no answer he knocked again and this time the door opened.

"Huh? Who are you?" An obviously sleepy Reiki opened the door, she was stricken with bedhead and her eyes were barely staying open as she yawned continuously.

"Uh… it's Takumi," he answered, "the guy who's ki you wanted to study."

Reiki yawned again, this time it being a bit more extensive before answering again.

"Ughh can't you see I'm sleepy? Come back another time." Right before she shut the door.

Takumi shrugged before decided to head back home for the day, seeing that he had nothing else to do really.


Misao, who was busy training with her wind summons saw Takumi walking to his house. She cleaved a wind summon in half before she heard the voice of Haruka in her head.

"Hey, give that guy a nudge," The Sun Dragon Emperor said.

Misao immediately refused, asking why she would do such a thing at random, completely contradicting her own personality traits which usually did exactly that: things at random.

"I need to force link with him, just do it." Haruka responded, leaving Misao no choice.

After some angry grumbling, she took a glance at the slowly walking Takumi. A miniscule smile appeared as her body blurred in his direction, she appeared in front of him under a second later.

"Ah- Oh- Hi Misao." Takumi greeted when he saw her practically teleport in front of him, trying desperately to hide his surprise.

Misao gave him to answer however, in her twisted little mind, she already had something planned. She just placed both her hands on either side of his cheek with her knee at the ready, but as soon as their skin made contact, their dragon force mixed and they lost conciousness.


They found themselves in the Dragon Realm; a place they haven't seen in quite a while. The dragons' imposing stature and aura was still as majestic as ever.

"Okay, I did what you said. What's up?" Misao asked with folded arms.

All six dragon emperors took glances at each other before Haruka decided to speak up. She stepped forward just a bit out of line with the others before beginning.

"Alright so, you two have a battle coming up and seeing that you two have reached the second growth, you need to undergo some more training." She stated.

Misao cocked an eyebrow in disapproval while Takumi just stayed quiet, he was busy taking in all the lustful glances Mizuko shot at him.

"But I already train everyday. I don't mind training a bit more but why?" Misao asked, feeling quite dissatisfied with the thought of training with Takumi again.

"It's not just to train yourselves," This time Kage spoke, "It's to make sure you two have synergy when fighting side by side, both your fighting styles are vastly different. Misao, you fight wild and destroy a lot of things while Takumi fights rather reserved and is usually on the defensive so training together will help you break through more scales and have the upper edge when fighting against Urusla. Do you understand?"

The two dragon hosts had rounded mouths as they nodded in a agreement. The dragons also nodded out of approval before the surroundings of the Dragon Realm faded and the two regained conciousness in the living world.

They found themselves awake in an awkward position, Misao still had Takumi's head in her hands. To the many onlookers who had their eyes on the two, it looked like they were frozen just before a kiss. Noticing the mischievous smiles on the villagers faces greatly angered Misao.

Like I would ever kiss a guy like him! She thought, enraged as she used her current position to launch an attack, particularly aimed at Takumi's family jewels.

Time seemed to slow down for Takumi as he felt the impending doom of a knee striking his jewels rise up. He quickly used every amount of power he had to escape Misao's hold, which manifested in his body blurring, almost blinking as he appeared a safe distance from Misao and her knee of doom.

"Hahaaaa, I'll see you some other day to start training!" Takumi said while backing off slowly, eventually running home with his tail between his legs.

Hmph! Coward. Misao thought as she went back to fighting wind summons.


Later that day, in the night to be exact while Takumi slept peacefully without a single care in the world, something of great suspicion was taking place right at his doorstep.

Two unknown silhouettes were slowly coming upon his house, their eyes shone green in the darkness.