Chapter 76 - Misao Is Scary

Reiki didn't even need to look at Misao, the purely tyrannical force coming from her body was enough to show the fairy what Takumi spoke of.

"Ufufufu. Did I get you angry?" Urusla teased with a finger on her bottom lip, putting on a cute look.

Misao in response, punched her palm while gnashing her teeth, "You're damn right you did! You're gonna pay for humiliating me! HAH!"

With that shout, Misao managed to increase her already insane pressure tenfold. She triple-casted all her ninth scales.

As [Radioactive Strengthening] [Heated Tempering] and [Aerial Vitality] were activated, an array of strengthening scales cast a sheet of energy around her body, making Misao look immovable. Her muscles bulged and her armor glowed to match the swirling energy.

But she didn't stop there. She once again triple-casted, but this time it was the tenth scale!

"Dear Fairy Queen! You two have limitless power!" Reiki couldn't hold back her enthusiasm as her golden eyes widened.

Casting [Solar Embodiment] [Flaming Embodiment] along with [Cyclonic Embodiment] Misao created another array on herself. Urusla just stared at her with all the dragon force circulating through her body like she was a thick piece of meat.

As the name suggests, Misao took on the embodiment of each element. Looking at her upper body, flames coated her arms completely, even some small embers came from her hair.

Looking at her as a whole, the wind aspect of the embodiment scale could be seen. Surrounding her was a violent aura of wind, whipping and slicing as if it would cut anything that came close.

And finally, the sun's embodiment scale manifested in seven mini-suns the size of snowballs, which hovered behind her, forming a circle. If one could only choose a single word to describe this spectacle, it would be 'GodLike'.

"Alright Misao, remember that the embodiment scales drain a lot of dragon force. Make this quick." Haruka chimed in.

With that said, along with the rage becoming uncontrollable, Misao took a bolt at the still gawking Urusla. A charred crater was left in her wake as she came into striking distance within seconds.

Putting all her power into a punch, Misao started the battle. Urusla giggled at the fist came at her face, she quickly put up a guard to block the attack.

But her smile was soon turned upside down as Misao's fist smashed her arm to pieces, sending her rolling across the ground.


Urusla's arm already began healing but Misao wouldn't have that. She used the momentum from her previous attack to launch a roundhouse kick, which was dodged only by a hair's breadth.

The battle quickly became one-sided. Misao launched attacks from every angle while Urusla could just barely dodge, her arm was still healing but at a slow pace due to her having to direct her energy to other areas.

"Grrrr!" Urusla couldn't take much more, "You insect! ABSORB!"

With the palm of her only operational arm raised, the Demon Queen activated her scarib attribute, ready to drain Misao of all her energy.

However, she looked completely foolish as she just stood there trying to absorb Misao's raging dragon force, only to receive nothing.

"Ah ah ah, That won't work," Misao took a break from the relentless attacking to put out a taunt.

"I believe you were trying to do this?"

With outstretched arms, Misao cast the eigth scale of the sun dragon force [Astrophsysical Absorbtion].

Immediately after, energy from the surroundings began to convert themselves into dragon force, only to assimilate inside Misao's body! Heat radiated from the ground, strengthening the flames on her arms. Wind converged around her and strengthened the already tyrannical aura of wind. Finally, all other forms of energy present began to convert themselves to the sun element, slightly increasing the size of the mini-suns.

As the energy increased Misao's dragon force level, the way she absorbed the dragon force around her made the demons' scarib attribute look like nothing but a cheap knock-off. And the fact that she was smiling madly in the midst of all this, she looked deadlier than any demon.

Watching Misao completely overpower her, Urusla felt fear for the first time. She couldn't even think about an escape when Misao disappeared from her spot again.

She appeared in front of the Demon Queen again, with a punch at the ready. Urusla couldn't expect to dodge and tried to guard again, using her broken arm.

"Protect!" She cried, activating a scarib attribute just before the fist made contact.

But it proved futile. Misao's over-strengthened punch smashed right through the arm, reducing it to mere pieces of skin. Urusla was even thrown back from the recoil.

No! No! No! I can't die here! Urusla's thoughts were in turmoil.

She could perfectly see where Misao was going to attack but there was absolutely no way she could defend against it. This massive boost in power was monstrous for her.

Misao didn't let up, Urusla wasn't even able to touch the ground as her foot planted into the demon's large chest. It was unknown whether it was her massive bust or her strong body that prevented her from dying instantly.

Sadly, the onslaught couldn't be kept up for long. Although Misao looked like she could go on forever, her Dragon Force levels were dropping rapidly, only giving her enough power for the ending blow.

However, as the attack was being prepared, an ear-splitting screech sounded.


It was the cry of a griffin. Everyone present stopped to look at the beast flying out of the ruins, holding a glowing dagger in it's front talons. Urusla put on a pained smile as her mount flew over to her.

She put all the power in her legs to mount the beast, which kicked it's legs and went off flying.

"NO! YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY AGAIN!" Misao screamed, she angrily deployed her wings before leaving another crater in the ground as she flew off.

The dragons tried to warn her that her Dragon Force levels couldn't support flight and the embodiment scales but we're tuned out. Misao's anger made her lose sight of everything except killing Urulsa.

She quickly caught up to the beast, she retrieved her scythe that she had put away earlier, ready to slice Urusla to pieces. Misao flew at speed rivaling to demon-griffin's as she locked onto her target.

But… as she lifted the scythe above her head, the beast turned around! She was stunned momentarily when the griffin opened it's mouth.

Misao quickly shook her head and was brought back to reality. She watched with narrowed eyes, only to see green light starting to coverage in the beast's mouth.

"Oh no!" Reiki exclaimed, waking up Takumi who had actually managed to doze off, "That's a griffin's Air Cannon. Now that it's a demon… Jade Cannon!"


As soon as those words reached her ears, Misao decided it was time to end this. But as soon as she bent her legs to boost herself, her Dragon Force reached a level too low to support any techniques.

The mini-suns behind her faded away, the wind aura around her dissipated and the flames on her arms died out. She didn't even have enough energy to support her wings as they too disappeared, causing her to fall from the sky.

By now the griffin had finished charging it's attack. The ball of Jade Energy had reached the size of a boulder, Urusla smiled while the others showed fearful expressions as the blast was released.

A cylindrical blast of energy enveloped Misao, adding more force to her already threatening fall. The blast and Misao collided with the earth some seconds later, producing a large cloud of smoke.

The black cloud disappeared come time later, revealing Misao enclosed in a glowing orb of water. Reiki breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at Takumi, who held up his palm in the direction of Misao.

He had cast [Water Dragon | Fourth Scale: Tidal Defense] at the last minute before the attack hit.

As the beast flew off with a satisfied screech, Misao could only scream in fury.