Chapter 77 - Aftermath

The ominous aura of the Demon Kindom was temporarily overshadowed by one of anticipation. Droves of loyal demons waited with baited breath on their Queen's return.

The evening sun shone brightly only to have it's light tainted by the majestic silhouette of a griffin, quickly getting bigger as it approached the castle.

Releasing their held breaths, the demons readied themselves to cheer for their Queen's triumphant return, only to be met with the gruesome sight of Urusla's battered state.

"My Queen." Tai came forward after the beast landed, "Are you alright?"

Urusla, who had her detached arm wrapped up in her clothes, jumped off the griffin before taking the dagger from it's talons.

"Grrrrr! I'm not in the mood for your kissing up, Tai!" She growled, slapping the dagger into the advisor's hand.

"And send three crazed demons to my room, quickly. I need to eat."



Reiki and Takumi watched with fearful expressions as Misao went on with her tantrum.

The psychotic dragon host was going absolutely ballistic. She ripped trees up from their roots before burning them to cinders, the temperature around her increased to a scorching level and she even caused raging wind storms with ever curse she threw out in the world at Urusla. She wasn't taking this second defeat lightly at all.

"Psst… H-hey Reiki…" Takumi nudged the fairy who was awestruck at Misao's recovery speed.

"Let's sneak out of here while she destroys the place eh? She knows her way back… come on…"

Those wise words brought Reiki out of her stupor. The fairy nodded frantically before following Takumi to try and pull off a slow and stealthy escape from Misao's raging temper.

"AND YOU TWO!!" Sadly, a gust of wind reached them as she shouted.

Misao turned around just in time to see the fairy and the narcissistic dragon host freeze with raised legs, as if about to take another step. Puffs of smoke came from Misao's nostrils as she watched the two sweatdrop.


Takumi was frozen solid in fear as Misao took slow steps towards them, creating charred footsteps with her fire dragon force. It was now up to Reiki to save them from impending doom.

"Um… Misao…" the fairy said, Misao's aura forcing her brain into overdrive, "Remember it was you who told us you could handle it yourself…"

With no way to tell if those words had gotten through or not, Reiki squeezed her eyes shut in preparation for another outburst. But after a long moment of time with no raging wind or scorching heat, the fairy felt her plan had worked.

She slowly opened her eyes to see Misao with a finger on her chin, looking at the sky as her bloodthirsty aura disappeared.

"Meh… I guess I did say that, didn't I." Misao said nonchalantly, "Oh well… we'll get her next time. Let's head back."

Takumi thawed out and watched along with Reiki as Misao walked past them, her hands behind her head as she began to whistle a rather lazy tune.

"WHAAAAA?!" They both collapsed in a crash.


In the Demon Kingdom, Urusla's room to be exact, the sound of flesh being torn bounced off the walls.

Two crazed demons watched with animalistic expressions of fear as Urusla rummaged through another's chest. The gruesome squelching of flesh went on for a few minutes before the one-armed queen found what she was looking for.

Pulling out her hand soiled in blood, Urusla marveled the glowing ball in her fingers. The scarib of the crazed demon was bright green with a trace of red mixed in.

As Urulsa had already seen countless scaribs in her lifetime, the glowing ball didn't last too long out in the open.


The scarib disappeared down Urusla's gullet. As a cannibalistic demon, she was always looking for a way to gain more whenever she devoured one of her own. Thus her coming on this method which took the principle of the Blood Of Life; a technique that enables demons to get a power boost whenever they consumed the blood of one stronger than them.

The method worked like a charm. A few seconds after the scarib was consumed, rays of jade energy seeped from Urusla's large chest, healing the fracture she suffered from Misao's kick.

"Ahhhhhhhh. Bliss." With the feeling of finally being able to breathe properly, along with the euphoric feeling she got every time she ate a demon, Urusla was in ecstasy.

Wanting more of that feeling, as well as to fully recover, she lashed out at another crazed demon. The fact that she was still missing an arm didn't slow her down in the slightest as she pieced her subordinate's chest, before tearing out another scarib.

Demon blood pooled on the floor as that scarib was soon consumed. The energy from the crystal quickened her natural healing process as small piece of bone tore through the cloth wrapped around her armless shoulder.

Quickly devouring the last scarib from the final demon corpse, a jolt of pain came from her arm. Her healing went hyper as the piece of bone elongated at high speeds, soon becoming a skeletal arm. That bone limb soon had itself wrapped up by countless muscles and skin, producing a brand new arm in a matter of seconds.

"Excellent." Urusla repeatedly clenched her fist, testing out her new limb which operated perfectly.

With the euphoric feeling coursing through her body, Urusla soon turned her sights to the tasty corpses sitting before her. Like a hungry animal, she dove into her gory meal, devouring all the parts she enjoyed such as the neck and chest while leaving out the… more unpleasant parts she greatly disliked.


"Ah. My Queen. Did you enjoy your meal?"

Urusla found herself in the dungeon, greeted by Tai who held the dagger he was presented with earlier. His words were ignored as his queen approached with an outstretched arm.

After taking the spirit dagger from her kneeling lackey, Urusla turned she attention to Aegis… or what was left of her. Urusla laughed madly.

"My beautiful little girl. It's time to fulfil the destiny you were born in."