Chapter 81 - Impending Doom


Lancelot's fist demolished a table. Misao and Takumi took up the responsibility of relaying the information regarding the failed mission to him. The rest of team was present as well, each bearing different variants of either sadness or disappointment.

"Do you understand what this means, Takumi?" The distraught Lancelot asked, his fist trembling.

Takumi then glanced at Misao who simply shrugged. It seemed as if his usually infectious persona couldn't lighten the mood this time around. He tried to find the right words but could only stutter, only to be interrupted by Lancelot grabbing the collar of his robes.

Ichika, Luna and Aiko promptly sprung from their seated positions, ready to protect Takumi just in case Lancelot lost control; which seemed highly likely at this point.

"I put my faith in you two…" Lancelot's voice began to crack as his sadness leaked out, "What good was it to summon you two when you still couldn't stop the one thing I feared the most?!"

The room went silent as Lancelot locked gazes with Takumi. The young man, along with everyone else in the room, bore solemn expressions. But if one took a glance at Misao, her demeanor was slightly different.

It was almost as if she was shivering, along with the shadow cast over her eyes, one couldn't really deduce her current state of mind.

But that was until she started walking, rather slowly over to Lancelot, before gently removing his hold on Takumi's robe. The shadow disappeared when she raised her head, showing her eyes filled with burning anger.

"Pitiful!" That was the only thing she said before landing a solid punch to the face of Lancelot, sending him crashing into the ground.

The entire group released a cohesive gasp. Although they had come to know Misao as being a rather violent person most of the time, they didn't expect this reaction.

"Uh… thanks?" Takumi barely found the right words as he watched Misao walk right past him.

Lancelot remained floored- wiping a streak of blood from his nose. The sound of footsteps ceased as Misao stopped at the entrance of the door, cracking her knuckles and gnashing her teeth.

"If you're really pissed about losing your daughter, then take it out on that Urusla! And if you ever try pushing the blame on us again… I'll knock your teeth out!"


With that, Misao walked out the door, leaving everyone else awestruck. But for Lancelot, that was a well needed wake up call.

It finally showed him that he needed to take matters into his own hands.


"We should give you a new name."

After a quick clean up, Urulsa and Kotsukuo made their way to the master bedroom, where a full blown makeover operation was going on.

"What's wrong with my old name?" Kotsukuo asked, pouting at Urusla who busy styling her hair.

"Oh come on. Kotsukuo is a boy name and you're a girl."

With a huff, Kotsukuo simply stared at herself in the mirror. A few snips from a pair of scissors and some quick hand movements finished the hair aspect of the makeover.

The brown tresses which previously hung loosely were now styled in a way to preserve Kotsukuo's womanly beauty while also adding an air of dominance. The sides of her head were shaved off, leaving only a single ponytail going down the centre like a mohawk.

"There!" Urusla looked over Kotsukuo's shoulder into the mirror, pleased with her work, "Now I think 'Suki' is a wonderful new name. Don't you?"

Kotsukuo… now Suki simply shrugged and accepted the name change, it being that she couldn't think of anything herself.

With a cheer, Urusla returned her focus to the makeover.

Hours passed and the makeover was complete.

"I must admit… you outdid yourself."

Now donning a flowing black dress accentuated by spiky shoulder pads, Suki's demeanor was quite charming. The suit managed to enhance her beauty while portraying a domineering aura.

Urusla was blushing all over from excitement. Suki practically looked like a mini version of herself, due to the fact she was wearing something similar.

"I'm so proud!" She squealed in joy, before running towards her masterpiece.

Suki was busy with hand on her hips, shaking her butt side to side as she watched her reflection- only to be violently pulled away by Urusla.

The two then found themselves at the castle entrance. All demons living in the kingdom had gathered in the square, cheering loudly.

"All hail Lord Kotsukuo!"

"He will bring us into a new era!"

Shouts like these went up. Urusla and Suki smiled in satisfaction before raising their hands, silencing the crowd.

"Greetings my subjects," Suki began her speech, "It is absolutely wonderful to be back where I belong, with my fellow demons. As you can see… I have taken on another form, you should now refer to me as Demon Empress Suki."

The crowd of demons immediately began whispering amongst themselves, seeking answers. Suki, sensing the turmoil in her subject's thoughts, raised her hand once more to quell them.

"This may come as a shock, but mind you, I am still your ruler. I still possess the desire to take my revenge on the insects of this world!"

Hearing the familiar ruthlessness in her voice, the crowd quickly regained their trust in Suki.

"From today onward, those species which treated us like dirt for all those years will pay! I… and Demon Empress Urusla, will start with that pesky village that dared to hinder our plans!"

Another cheer erupted from the crowd. Suki and Urusla stood side by side as they stared at the sky.

A mini whirlwind materialized at the base of their legs before they leaped off into the direction of the Safe Village.


-Fairy Tree-

"My queen! Are you injured?!"

In the throne room of the fairy settlement, Fairy Queen Shiva was on her knees. Her golden eyes were bloodshot as she breathed heavily, the runic crowns on her head and shoulders vibrated frantically, as if resonating with some sort of terrible omen.

Two guard fairies, dressed in suits of silver armor quickly ran to their Queen's aid, helping her off the ground and onto her throne.

"My Queen…" a blue haired guard asked, giving Shiva a glass of water, "Was it a vision?"

Shiva, gulping down the entire glass to calm herself, sighed before closing her eyes. She revisited the pieces of the vision stored in her memories and shivered.

"Yes, My Child. An entity will approach us soon… bringing pure calamity."