Chapter 82 - Doom's Arrival

The two fairy guards looked at each other with puzzled expressions. Fairy Queen Shiva had been known to have a clairvoyance which spanned the entire known Endolis, but from the way she spoke of her profesy, it sounded as if this entity was not of this world.

"Can you describe this entity, My Queen?" asked a rather short guard.

Shiva released another sigh, once again revisiting her vision, relaying the flashing images to her guards.

A black and white haired child. With a smile as innocent as a baby's but an aura so ominous it sucked the life out of the plants around him. A raised finger, holding a screaming ball of darkness… which was then tossed at the land. That ball of darkness… ripping all of Endolis to shreds.


The fairy guards gasped in horror. Although this was just a vision, Shiva's visions were usually spot on, happening just as predicted unless someone under her influence went and changed it.

Shiva felt her entire being cower in fear at this unknown entity. Visions usually brought on a slew of emotions with it, and seeing that this specific one was a bad omen… the painful feelings were understandable.

"So…" the first guard to recover spoke after a gulp, "What is your plan of action, My Queen?"

Shiva, still slightly shivering, got up from her throne, towering a whole two heads above her guards, "We shall make our way to Tenshu. I recognized Shisui Mountain in my vision so it must mean that the entity will make it's appearance there."

The guards took a worried glance at each other before turning back to their Queen, asking who would govern the village in her stead.

"You, Kaya." Shiva answered gesturing at the tall, red haired fairy, "You've been my apprentice for some time so I shall leave you with this responsibility."

Understanding their Queen's orders, the guards did a fairy's bow before leaving to prepare.


While Tenshu Safe Village was being approached by two groups of contrasting intentions, Lancelot was preparing an approach of his own.

"Did Misao's hothead disease infect you?" Aiko asked with a twitching eyebrow, running Lancelot's plan in her mind once more.

Misao, with folded arms, huffed with a smug smile, "Yeah I'm a hothead. And I definitely agree with him… storming Urusla's castle is the finest plan I've heard since I got here."

Aiko growled. The entire group… expect Misao, has varying thoughts of Lancelot's plan to storm the Demon Kingdom, none of them agreeing.

"Think about it." Lancelot spoke, his demeanor not nearly as crazy as his plan, "This is the only option we have. Urusla has already transferred Kotsukuo's spirit, judging by that strange weather phenomenon a few hours ago."

The group glanced at each other. They still weren't convinced.

"Haaaa… that gives us a chance to strike. Ten thousand years in a dimensional void will definitely sap his power… I'm sure the eight of us will be able to take out any footdemons in our way."

Daichi chimed in, "That does sound like a possibility, but remember that he now has power over dragon force. That would increase his power, turning this raid into a suicide."

Daichi's words only served to aggravate Lancelot. He was at a serious loss, with the death of his daughter looming over him, along with the anger directed at Urusla, he felt absolutely useless.

Ichika, noticing his trembling hands, stepped forward, "Look, Lancelot… I think we should stick with the original plan. Wait on the other kingdoms to send reinforcements so when she attacks we'll be ready… that way we'll be abl- Kh!"

The group gasped at Ichika's sudden pause. They all crowded around her asking what the matter was.

"I- I don't know…" she said, feeling a bit surprised herself, "I just felt a strong presence approaching… but it doesn't feel like Urusla…"

The group tuned their senses and discovered that Ichika was indeed correct. Everyone put up their guards until Reiki let out a giggle. With raised eyebrows, the group questioned the fairy's mood.

"It's nothing to worry about." She said with a smile, "I'd know that presence anywhere. It's Fairy Queen Shiva. Although I don't know why she would fly here personally…"

A chorus of 'Oh' went up. They all lowered their defences at Reiki's comment but were still curious as to the Queen's visit.

That, however, was answered when Shiva and her guard landed in the main building courtyard the ground was located.

"My Queen." Reiki bowed, prompting the others to do the same, "Is there something wrong?"

Dispelling the reverent air with a raised hand, Shiva told them of her vision. The guards that were dropped before immediately went back up.

"You're saying that some sort of catastrophic being will appear here soon?" Takumi asked, his arrogance not shielding his mind this time.

Shiva nodded disheartenly, she tried her best to come up with a way for them to prepare for the coming storm but couldn't. The only thing she could do was inform them, hoping that by some miracle they could turn the tides and avert the crisis.

"We have to survive against Urusla first." Luna was rather calmer than the rest, folding her arms while staring at the ground.

With a nod, the group thanked Shiva for the heads up. The Fairy Queen spread her wings to leave when two streaks of light descended from the skies.


A large cloud of smoke blotted out the sky as the streaks collided with the ground in an explosion, frightening the villagers. The ground quickly ran to the source of the boom, only to be quickly dumbfounded.


The two demons standing before them brought on a feeling that completely outweighed their judgement. But feeling the killing intent coming from the jade energy emanating from their bodies, they came to a realization.

"That's not Aegis…"

Suki, seeing their dumbstruck expressions, stepped forward. Her aura threatened to choke the life out of them as his steps echoed through the silence.

"You must be the father of this body's previous owner," She said, staring into Lancelot's shivering eyes, "Although I am a bit surprised with my daughter's choice in men… I suppose I should commend you. You probably know me as Kotsukuo but I do not go by that name anymore."

"I, Yagami Suki… thank you for gifting me this body."

Why can't I move?! Misao's mind was in turmoil. She couldn't stop shaking at the presence before her… incomparable to Urusla.

Even Shiva was frightened. How did this not appear as a vision?! She thought in horror.

Suki, uncaring of their fear, spoke once more, "Although I am grateful for this body, it won't stop me destroying this place and you. You've been a hindrance to my return for a long time according to my daughter… I'll feast upon your dragon force to replenish the power I lost over the eons."

That seemed to be what was needed to bring everyone out of there stupors. All weapons owned by the group were drawn, the two fairies stood in front of Shiva, ready to protect her at all costs.

Suki simply smiled menacingly before clenching her fists. But as soon as she prepared her battle stance…


A piercing pain was felt in her chest.

"Sorry honey. This is my spotlight." Urusla taunted with a smile.

Blood ran profusely from Suki's mouth. The entire group was shocked senseless at this sudden development, the two Demon Empresses just stared at each other with contrasting expressions.

Urusla's hand had gone straight through Suki's chest. And in her grasp, was a beating, black heart.