Chapter 83 - Reformation

"How dare you?!"

Aside from this unexpected betrayal, everyone was surprised by how Suki was still speaking after such an attack. Urusla, with eyes closed, simply giggled at her dear Suki.

"How dare I?" She asked with a slightly angry tone, "How dare I what? Betray you? Less than a day after bringing you back?"

Urusla's taunting questions only irritated Suki even more. She would definitely rip her head off right this instant if she wasn't holding onto life by a thread right now.

A demon's scarib was located in it's heart, and as long as it was intact, a demon could survive without it in place for a couple hours. Right now, Suki was bursting her brain to find a way out of this.

"You have exactly one hour and fifty six minutes left alive so I suppose I'll tell you why. That's a nice send-off gift, why your daughter betrayed you. Ufufu." Urusla couldn't stop giggling.

The group watched this exchange with the previous expression of surprise glued to their faces. They were unsure of whether to attack or just let this play out.

"It's simple. I did it to get what I want. You got to rule over the demons with no opposition, even managed to set up some sort of family only royalty when there were only three of us. Now you want to rule over all of Endolis?"


Urusla didn't even give Suki a chance to gasp. She violently ripped her hand out of her chest along with the heart, causing a massive gush of blood to issue forth, significantly chopping off some minutes off Suki's remaining time to live.

Suki's body fell to the ground with a thud, kicking up dust as her life force quickly left her body. Urusla stared at the organ in her hand as her smile looked a bit more deranged, even worse than Misao's.

"Just a bit closer… and I'll be the Supreme Empress…"

With that said, Urusla opened her mouth. Her lips stretched all the way back to her ears as she devoured the heart, creating a large bulge in her throat as she swallowed.

"What the?! She ate it?!"

"Can demons even do that?"

Urusla's now bloody mouth went back to normal. Her deranged smile remained as an unusually long tongue escaped her lips, licking the blood clean off her lips.

"3…2…1… GHK!"

With that grunt, Urusla fell to her knees, clutching her stomach. She released a bloodcurdling howl as an orb of violently swirling jade energy enveloped her. The orb of energy grew so bright that it completely blocked out the female demon inside.

"I don't like the look of that." Misao said with a scowl, before attempting to jump at the seemingly transforming Urusla, only to be stopped by Takumi grabbing her hand.

Misao was about to fight her way out of his grasp when he used his sword to point at the ground. Looking in the blade's direction, the completely decayed body of Suki was enough to show that they should go no where near Urusla.

"Fine then!" Misao still wouldn't give up, "Pummel her with ranged attacks then!"

Not even waiting on the group's agreement, Misao conjured a spear combining her three elements. She looked over at the group questionably as she aimed it at Urusla.

The others decided it was worth a shot and followed suit. Lancelot created a floating boulder, Aiko summoned a water cannon, Ichika and Luna created spears of their varying elements while Takumi copied Misao's tactic.

With Reiki and the fairy guard finishing off by coating their daggers with fairy dust so they could do the same, the group readied their attacks.


With Takumi's shout, a barrage of elemental attacks collided with the jade energy orb. The crater created when Urusla and Suki landed was dug deeper as the colliding energy stirred up the winds.

When the wind, energy and stirred up dust finally died down after a whole minute. The orb of jade energy was no more.

"Did we get her?"

"I don't know. I think s-… Oh no…"

What destroyed their hopes was a sinister cackle, followed by a black hand leaving a crack in the edge of the crater. And out climbed a completely new Urusla.

"HAHAHA! IT WORKED!" Her voice now held a terrifying reverb, "If it for wasn't me eating all that dragon force you threw at me… I may not have survived that transformation."


Urusla's transformation could only be described in one word: 'Ominous'. Her hands were coated in scaly black skin like gloves, as well as what could be seen of her legs. Her horns twisted themselves behind her head like that of a goat's, her hair grew all the way down to the ground and spikes of jade hugged her skin like braclets on her arms, stomach and face.

Her eyes, which projected most of her deadly aura, had changed their iris to a bright white, giving them a strangely beautiful demeanor as the cracks cascaded over the black sclera.

The final piece of her transformation came forward in the demonically obvious leap in power. The unimaginable increase in both magical and physical strength manifested itself in the form of streaks of black lightning, whipping and crackling around her like tamed snakes.

"How… will we even defeat her now?" Aiko's words expressed what the entire group was feeling: 'Fear'.

Urusla giggled again, the reverb in her voice making it more devious than before, "I can answer that, honey. You won't… this is where my reign as Supreme Empress begins!"

Laughing maniacally, Urusla left them no chance as she launched herself at them with her new… overwhelming power.