Valli's body fell into the ground, only to become an additional corpse that formed the Mountain of Death beneath him.
Hela was about to separate his soul from his body, unlike humans whose souls go directly to the afterlife, the souls of the gods continue to remain in their bodies until Hela or the Valkyries transfer them directly or indirectly.
However, she just noticed now that the dimensions of Valli's body were not the same as the previous one, because it was still shorter than them, so she did not notice this, but it was a little shorter in the past, while the length of this body was full two meters.
For some reason, she felt the cold and danger spreading through her body causing her to shiver, she decided to trust her feeling and tried to teleport away, but before she did so she felt a hand holding her cloak from behind and pulling both her cloak and mask-crown, leaving her with Bare face.
She immediately turned and swung her sword to whoever was behind her, but before her sword touched this person, this person grabbed her arm with one hand easily.
This person was me, Valli Trigevson The Great, and it was so impressive that I could have stopped Hela's hand with one hand without difficulty, not because I was so strong but because Hela was so weak.
To think that the goddess of death suffers from such a stupid Weakness ... Whatever it is, if she haven't been so determined to fight, none of this would have happened.
I looked at Hela's beautiful face before feeling a little disgusted as the left part of her body slowly began to dissolving, I let go of her hand and step back a few steps, while still holding her cloak and mask in my right hand.
"Thinking that the Great Goddess of Death would be so pathetic ..." I said with a smile as I looked at her, I did not like mocking my enemies, but she insulted me before and treated me as if I were an insect in her eyes, it is just a small revenge."...You wanted to act proud and arrogant, why not be strong enough to support yourself first?
"Return this to me!" Hela said in a faint, indignant voice as she struggled to approach me, although I was only a few steps away from her. I did not move and let her until she was about to touch me before I hit my hand slightly on her chest, with enough force to send her a flying back twenty meters before shd collided with the earth several times and stopped, her sounds of pain were a little satisfying, but since I was the good god that I was, I suppressed that feeling.
I watched Hela for several seconds as she struggled to stand on her feet, but it seemed that she could not gather enough strength to walk, so I turned my gaze on her and approached 'my body' and could not help but feel that it was lost that Fafnir's exoskeleton armor had been destroyed.
I touched the armor and unequipped it again, touched the corpse of this person and nullifying the shape-shifting spell on him, to appear as a dwarf body with brown hair and rotten blue skin, this person was Fafnir.
Earlier, I left the skeleton and the coffin at the edge of the Bridge of the damned, and when Hela refused to speak I contacted the skeleton in order to find Fafnir.
While the skeleton couldn't speak, and had little intelligence, I possessed parallel processes and could have controlled the skeleton remotely without affecting my battle.
So Fafnir and I made a plan, since he was dead he couldn't die any more, so I changed his shape to a shape similar to mine and swapped places when I blocked Hela's field of view by the ice barrier.
Of course, the reason she was unable to discover Fafnir was because he was a dead man among countless if dead men, and the fact that his body was not made of Helheim's energy made it difficult to discover without concentration.
And with a disappearing spell, I could quickly sneak behind her and pull out her cloak.
While I was not good at making strategies for large-scale wars or specific battles, I was a powerful and amazing tactician who could take advantage of both the strength and weakness of his enemies.
hela was the second death god I defeated this month, what can I say, I'm so awesome! But after such a tight plan was withdrawn, I began to feel as though I was on the verge of becoming The God of mischief.
While some may consider Hela a victim, and may try to help her overcome the past and treat her psychological problems, this is completely impossible, as the goddess of death, her basic instinct is to spread death, and while between hers and the lives of every person in the nine worlds, I will choose the latter.
and let's be honest, the fact that others and yourself victimized you doesn't give you a justification or a free pass to do whatever you want.
I looked at Fafnir's corpse for a moment, he might have already Respawn somewhere else here, and that corpse would turn into energy again after several hours, so there was no fear that Hela would discover it, because she might not be able to differentiate between the energy signature of Helheim and Niflheim.
And even if you do manage to do this, all of the Helheim residents are looking like each others, black skin on bones, so she will find it difficult to differentiate between him and the millions of other dead.
After saying this, I am sure that the Mind magic or illusions will not affect her much because she was an expert in the illusion magic, so I had to pull some phrases from Shakespeare's book about theatrical tricks.
The gods of death are very stupid and arrogant, if they had not chosen to fight me, they would not have been defeated and insulted by a little, but I am just an unimportant god of wisdom and I do not have the necessary qualifications to advise or advise Odin, she has been dealt with but Odin is still a goal to achieve.
This is what they think, and this is what I will do, I will let them blindly follow their pride and arrogance, and when they rebound on them, I will be there to mock them with a smile on my face.
Now, I have to collect some rare materials that are only found in Helheim, and then I have to look for Valhalla entrance.