Like Niflheim, there was no set size for Helheim. In fact, this world's owner could change both the size and shape of Helheim if he wanted, although this would drain a lot of time, effort and energy.
Unlike Niflheim, there were many alchemicals and resources in Helheim that were not found in other worlds, such as soul herb which is used to make invisibility potions or night vision, or Red faonas herb which is used in stamina enhancement potions or strength enhancement or resistance enhancement potions and even magical enhancement potions.
I even found a very rare substance, an immortal flower, which is a flower that blooms forever, although surprisingly it sprouts in Helheim because it's mostly in Alfheim or Valhalla.
I also collected a large number of materials and ores, and I made some of the dead help me with that, since Hela was weakened now, they were not forced to obey her, although they did not approach her because they knew that she would not remain weakened forever, and since I am the one who killed nearly 10,000 dead warrior, they decided to help me, yes, I still had the habit of counting my fallen enemies.
So under my direction we built a wooden carriage out of Helheim wood, so I can carry both Hildr's coffin and the materials I collected, even though I summoned some skeletons from Hades's underworld in order to pull the cart.
I did not summon other people's souls, but normal skeletons without a previous life, firstly because it would be difficult to persuade another person to help me, while the skeletons are too stupid to realize their independence and will obey anyone who summons them.
When I did not discover the location of the entrance to Valhalla, I resorted to Hela, since even after a few days, she did not go far from the place where I left her, while she was really stubborn, she told me the information I want when I threatened her that I would not return her cloak to her if she did not do as I say.
I thought about the possibility of persuading her to join forces with me, perhaps she would listen to me after I became weak, but I gave up on this because she will kill me immediately when she gets her cloak back.
Another thing is that Helheim was out of Odin's range of vision, according to Hela, because she did not like the fact that a suspicious old man was watching her all the time so she took some precautions, although I think there is a large percentage that Heimdall can bypass these precautions, after all he is bifrost bridge's keeper.
The Valhalla Gate from Heilheim was on Hela throne, yes, it was possible to open a magic gate leading to Valhalla through Hela throne, and this is exactly what I did, as I placed Hela cloak three meters away from her before leading my skeletons towards Valhalla, the paradise of the brave and honorable men and women, also found in both the afterlife and Asgard.
Unlike Helheim and Niflheim, there were no monsters, living dead, or spirits here, instead, the brave and worthy warriors are resurrected in fully alive and immortal bodies, where they can spend eternity in friendly fights and fun, the goddess of immortality idunn, The Guardians of the golden apples tree, lives on the edges of Valhalla.
Aside from her, only Valkyries who deliver the souls of the warriors, and Odin, protector of Valhalla against people like Hela, are permitted to enter this realm.
Now, I am one of the few people who set foot on this land, although Asgard and Olympus were beautiful, Valhalla really gave a feeling of 'heaven', especially thanks to the Valkyries who were riding their flying horses in the sky.
It was similar to Elysium, but while I was in it I was focused on escaping from the underworld and not enjoying my journey.