After successfully bribing Loki, promising to teach him some magic later if he behaves well, I talked to Brynhildr a little bit before we both split up in order to do our business.
In her case, she must do the usual Valkyrie deeds, train, take care of flying horses, help newcomers, carry out missions in the Nine Realms, and even help warriors spirits to pass to Valhalla, and there are some other things that I don't know.
Some might think that if I were really concerned about knowing someone about our night, I wouldn't have let Brynhildr take her step, and it's not wise to do that in Asgard but again, I even think we've been friends for so long, and rejecting her would only make our friendship fall apart, besides, Our love is mutual.
On the other hand, rejecting her means that I am afraid of Odin (because she is his daughter), and this is not entirely true, he was already ahead in this cold war between us and I feel that I should start responding soon, of course, I did not think about this until after bribing Loki.
Of course, there is little wisdom in doing this, but not doing so is not wise at all.
In any case, my first task as a diplomat is to go to Olympus and check if everything is in order, and I also have to take care of all the other side transactions that will happen between Asgard and Olympus.
It's a huge responsibility, luckily I can create life, after all no one can expect me to do these things on my own, right? I am also aware of the fact that there will not be much interaction between the two communities so my work will be small.
I immediately used my divine energy to transport myself to Olympus, more specifically, outside of Olympus City, of course I didn't forget to bring Stygian Blade with me to get it back to Zagreos, he might think I stole by now.
Since my absence only lasted about a month or so, the Olympians had no doubts about anything happening to me, and even if they did, most of them would not be able to do anything, so I greeted the people who welcomed me back before heading towards Olympus Palace (which contains the room Throne of Zeus, and the Rooms of most of the Major Gods, and a large banquet hall).
Unsurprisingly, I found the goddess of wisdom and war beside the gate talking to Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, fertility and harvest, who looked like a middle-aged woman dressed in showy clothes.
As I approached them, Demeter turned to me and smiled, moaning as she said, "Oh, son, I've been searching for you for so long, and I want to personally thank you for bringing back my grandson."
I ignored her strange tone of voice and politely said, "It doesn't matter, is Zagreos okay? How is he doing with his mother?"
"Oh, that, they engage really well, even though he wanted to meet you," Demeter said as she smiled sweetly.
On hearing this, I sighed in relief, it seemed that even Persephone had some maternal side to her children, her usual behavior doesn't suggest that, but I'm happy for Zagreos.
"He also said that you stole his sword, he talks about it every time he talks to anyone," Athena interfered in our conversation.
Well, luckily I brought his sword with me, although I doubt he actually said something like that.
"She's lying," Demeter said briefly before turning around. "It's about time I leave, I still have some things to do."
"You know, I was a little confused when I realized that you were in Niflheim, the place you said was the realm of the dead." Athena said as she got into a conversation with me.
That's right, the Virgin goddess next to me has a cosmic awareness, sometimes I ignore the fact that she's near omniscient, which makes me question the limits of her ability.
And the fact that she knows my former place means that even Zeus does, and it seems that they did not intervene because they did not know the specific reason for me being in Niflheim, not as though I was short sighted enough to be angry about something like this.
"It's nothing, just an urgent mission, by the way. What are the limits of your cosmic awareness?"
While I was talking we started walking synchronously inside the palace, as Athena looked at me strangely for a few seconds before she started talking, "You know, I can't read minds or learn something immediately, and I don't know most things, but I know you woke up this morning beside A girl named Brynhildr, even though I don't know what led you to that. ''
Upon hearing her words, I can only smile and give another question "Only this?"
"While I can find out the places of people and things and discover diseases, some people with certain abilities can impede my cosmic awareness, for example, I could not discover you in Asgard, but now that you are by my side I can know a few things that you have done, I heard you came up with the brilliant idea of establishing a diplomatic relationship between each of the kingdoms of gods," said Athena, before continuing, in a tone of a little sarcasm. "Have you succeeded?"
"Yes, and it worked. In fact, I'm here to check if Zeus is still OK with that, and in order to complete some additional tasks, like announcing this." I told her while ignoring the fact that she might be already knew that.
Before realizing this, it seems that we have already reached the door that leads to the throne of Zeus, although I now wonder how I always find both Odin and Zeus in their thrones, do they sit on them all their time?
I looked at Athena who was only pointing to the door with her own eyes, apparently she didn't want to extend our conversation, well, Good Talk! I opened the big door and passed it while closing behind me.
"Nice to see you again, Zeus," I said to Zeus, who was now red-haired, sitting comfortably on his throne while holding a glass of wine in his left hand.
"Queen of Gods" I said while I noticed Hera who was sitting in a slightly smaller (new) throne located next to the throne of Zeus.
"Valli! Just a little bit and I would have thought you were actually hiding from my watchful eyes!" Zeus said as I felt a crust around my body, not because he was threatening me or something like that, but because what he had said.
"I think that's what I was trying to do," I said while I smiled. "Anyway, about our previous conversation, I spoke with Odin and it took some time to convince him, so all we need now is a little help from you and ..."
Zeus interrupted me, "As much as I love hearing your talk about policy and foreign relations, I already know most of these things, so why not talk about your parents' answer?"
"Oh, this ..." I said in an unsure voice "... they said they don't want to share their son so ... I hope this won't affect the implementation of my previous idea."
Zeus looked at me while his smile disappeared, but he did not frown, it seemed that he did not use his cosmic awareness or was unable to spy on Asgard, but I would assume it was a mixture of both.
"That, I will say this honestly, I am displeased," said Zeus as he put his hand under his chin," But, I learned a long time ago not to let my personal feelings influence my decisions, so .."
As Zeus spoke, I couldn't help but be surprised at the enormous amount of wisdom in his words! Well I'm kidding, but Odin does totally the opposite.
"... wife, what do you think?" Zeus said as he turned to his wife, Hera, who was by his side.
"Well, we can't force him, can we?" "You have already made him promise to seat between us, and if you want my opinion, I really find Dionysus useless, all he does is drink and have sex," said Hera, who I still think she's so beautiful, as she rested her head on her hand and looked at me with a smile." he even don't give his wine to others anymore, and I have not liked him since he raped Nicaea"
"What would you suggest then? replacing Dionysus?"
"Sort of, he's a more useless than any of us, so I don't see any reason for him to hold his place," Hera said as I continued in silence as they spoke.
"But even so, young Dionysus is very vengeful, and if he does not give up his seat willingly the only way is to have at least 6 Olympians vote for Little Valli here."
"* Cough * * Cough *" I coughed to get their attention, and the discussion ended which seems to last forever. "I just suggest this, but can't you just make an extra seat?"
They looked at me for a few seconds before Zeus said, "Huh, yeah, I think we can do this, but since we're not a family we still have to get more votes."
Of course, leave this to me. I told him while smiling confidently before saying again, "By the way, I haven't received my reward yet ...
"Your reward?" Zeus said confusedly before seeming to remember, "Oh, of course, say what you want."
On hearing this, I smiled inwardly as I began to make my demands.