The reward I asked for from Zeus and his wife was a certain amount of Adamantine because it is a strong, durable and have mystical traits, while it may not be as strong as Proto-Adamantium, but I am sure it is superior to True Adamantium thanks to its magical and mental resistance properties, and it is also a Rare metal only found on Olympus so it is precious.
I would have liked to ask for some of the divine energy of Zeus and Hera, because I wanted to gain some understanding about divinity related to ideas and concepts such as heaven and marriage, but I decided not to.
Instead, I sought knowledge of Hera's ability to transform statues into living beings, while I was able to create a similar spell except but the 'life' that I make is unconscious and without a soul.
That being said, the homunculuses I make are very good, not perfect because I don't exercise the ability of making them much, but I'm above average.
While Hera did not teach me directly, after I told her about the problem that I am facing, she told me that her ability is more divine than magical, a reverse curse would not be enough to create a sentient life and that I must add my divine energy with this intention.
Although I was grateful, I couldn't help but doubt that there were hidden intentions behind Hera's kindness, maybe I was just suspicious, but her smile seemed so subtle in my eyes.
In any case, a meeting between the 12 Olympians took place only a few days later and a vote was taken on whether to give me the 13th seat between them.
The people who voted for me were Zeus, Hera, Hephaestus, Athena, and Demeter, while the people who voted against me were Dionysus, Aphrodite, Poseidon, and Artemis, while Ares, Hestia, and Apollo all maintained neutrality.
It was not surprising that Dionysus and Aphrodite both voted against me, while I had never interacted with Poseidon before, but it seems that Artemis is still not satisfied because she gave me her divine energy in the past.
In spite of that, I was installed as one of the major Olympian deities and a ceremony was held in which the Olympians, Centaurs and the Gorgon sisters were banned, while I celebrated with them a little and talked with everyone a little, but after I gave a speech in which I express my gratitude, I left and joined the two virgin goddesses Athena and Artemis.
While I was a little experienced with the bow and arrow, I was terribly defeated by the Goddess of Hunt, and the fact that she mocked me afterward does not help mend my damaged pride.
On the other hand, I could easily defeat her in friendly combat due to my use of thought acceleration and parallel processing.
As for Athena, I fought her without using my divinity skills because she challenged me like this, enabling her to defeat me, 30 times in a row, and I had to call her the great goddess of war until she see that this was enough.
While the narrow-minded may consider it humiliating, I consider this a victory, i won't deny i was a little bit frustrated but i didn't show it, but not only that the three of us had a good time and Athena has regained her usual arrogance, but she also said that she will continue kicking my ass until I reach an acceptable level.
While I had a little fun that night in the company of the girls, but in the following weeks I was very busy, not only that I bought a large number of resources and spent a lot of time creating and designing a large number of Homunculus, and giving each one of them the knowledge necessary to work in the fields Which I'm going to appoint them to, but I spent a lot of time babysitting them in their early days.
While they had an adult mindset and great knowledge from birth, they were still new creatures and possessed the curiosity of a child and so I had to sit with them and educate them.
Then, I got some of them to start building the Asgard consulate in Olympus, and I went to Asgard where I bought a large land and got some workers and builders to start building the Olympus consulate in Asgard.
Of course, I didn't pay a single gold coin and told everyone that our great king, Odin, would pay for all this because he was the one who came up with the idea of establishing a diplomatic relationship.
All tactics and strategies are acceptable in war. This may not be a big blow to Odin's pockets, but I am happy to cause even the least amount of damage.
When all this was over, I supervised the homunculus and gave them the office jobs (they wouldn't have much work), and also had them sort and evaluate all the common and rare materials in Olympus, the underworld and the Nine Realms, and also give reciprocal value to the coins of Olympus and Asgard.
In normal cases, the Asgard coin would have greater value because Asgard is wealthier and larger and has higher military power, but since I am a Major Olympian now, and since the average strength of the Olympians is higher than Asgard, I gave them equal value.
Odin could accuse me of corruption or prejudice, but I wouldn't bow to his accusations, in fact, I gave substances like Adamantine the same value as Uru, and I gave Ambrosa the same value as a golden apple.