Her stubbornness

- Why not detective, is it better than hiding behind the walls and watching , or not?

- You still do not know in what situation you put us or not little one?

I should never have accepted to take you in this operation.I must really be crazy.

Luis would feel so guilty if he allowed anything to happen to her, or to any of his mens.

He had to find a way out , to go into that factory and save the girls.He knew well that he had lost the chance to catch the filth that had been behind it .

But now the most important thing was to get these people out of there.

That woman was destroying everything from the moment she was introduced to his life.

She was unrestrained, fearless, strong and so beautiful. A creature more dangerous than even the criminal he was looking for. And that scared Louis so much. He should not have made spiritual connections with any woman in his life. Moreover, it had only been a few hours since Ria had entered his life, but her stubbornness made her so attractive. This was the real danger for Louis.

- All right, baby, you have to stay here now. Do not dare to leave this place even for a moment, but if someone approaches you, I want for you to shoot with this weapon. Do you understand me?

Ria looking into his eyes, and only nodded.

- Good girl - he said and waved to one of his men.

As they were looking for a way to get inside, Ria was looking at the gun in her hand. She had wanted to kill someone so much, but she realized that dying was the easiest thing to do, especially with a bullet if it hit the right place. That is why she had decided to take revenge in a more cruel way.

All those memories that she had tried so hard to forget, as if they came back to her body and took the previous place.

Without even realizing it herself, her cheeks were wet with tears.

She hated it when tears fell, without her permission. She hated to cry. Because whenever her childhood memories came back to her mind, the hatred she felt for her family seemed to burn her soul. She once again remembered how weak she was, even though from the outside she looked strong. Maybe she was still the same little girl huddled in the corner of her room, clenching her bloody knees.

It had been a while since Louis had left her, but there was still nothing final. The police had started to get even closer to the factory, but the girls were still inside. She wanted so much to see them, to offer them support, to tell them not to be afraid.

These girls were just like Ria once was. Alone and defenseless. Unloved even by her own family, abandoned in the middle of a cold world. Deep inside her, she was so alone.

Then when the bad men had started to dwindle, she woke up and started walking slowly towards the entrance. She was so scared and was holding the gun in her hand.