49. One Rider Against Ten Thousand

How big was a 300-foot golden Buddha's hand?

It was about the size of a small football field in his previous life.

The Buddha's hand slapped down, but nothing moved. The wind and clouds did not move. It only burned many negative karma. Which mortal was free of obstacles?

The thousand soldiers blocking his path had already disappeared.

The armor, armor, and weapons were all unharmed. Without the support of their inner bodies, they fell to the ground.

The 'steel defense line' formed by the army seemed to have been torn apart by a ferocious monster, and a hole that was about 100 feet wide was instantly broken.

Weng weng weng…

Xia Ji heard the black halberd in his hand let out a low hum, as if it was complaining about why there was no blood.

He bent his body slightly, and in the next moment, he rushed into the gap like a wild leopard.

"Shieldbearers form a mountain!"

"Spearmen, attack!"