50. Betrayal

Pa da.

Pa da.

Pa da da.


He held the halberd in his right hand, but his left thumb was always plucking the next prayer bead.

The vortex of blood gathered from the ground and surged, turning into streaks of black-red demonic light that surged toward the Great Dark Heavenly Halberd. The arm that was holding the halberd seemed to be entangled by thousands of demonic snakes.

The arm suddenly lifted, and the Hell Dharma appeared.

Xia Ji urged his horse and charged at the thousand cavalry.

The distance between the two sides rapidly shortened.

A strong wind blew in his ears, and the prayer beads moved violently.

Xia Ji's expression was calm as he saluted with his left hand. The black Buddhist light of the Acalanātha Dharma burst out from his body.

A three-foot-long Buddha's body,

Holding a black halberd,

He pointed ahead.

An instant later…

One person and a thousand cavalry collided fiercely.