174. Transmigrator's Secret Code, King Shenwu's Return

Su Linyu had just returned from the netherworld. Even though she had taken a spirit replenishing pill, her body was still very weak.

At this moment, she was pacing back and forth under the willow tree, pretending to be calm.

Until, in her eyes, a familiar voice came from the riverside.

The blood connection between mother and son allowed her to recognize the person in an instant, but she could not believe it. It was as if she was dreaming.

Until Xia Ji walked up to her and called out softly, " Mother. "

Su Linyu still couldn't believe it.

"Mother." Xia Ji shouted again.

Su Linyu sniffled and his eyes turned red.

"Mom, it's me," Xia Ji called out with a smile.

The connection between mother and son made Su Linyu unable to suppress the emotions in his heart. Tears flowed down his cheeks.

She cried and threw herself into her son's arms. Then, she choked and quickly said,"Xiao Ji, it was two members of the Su family who brought me back from the netherworld.