174. Transmigrator's Secret Code, King Shenwu's Return

" I made a secret deal with someone, " Xia Ji said. " But this must be kept absolutely confidential. " When we return to the palace, Little Su and I will temporarily arrange a fake identity for you. Sorry for troubling you."

Su Linyu was just curious. The two members of the Su family who brought her out were ridiculously strong, and the master who brought her out later was her biological father.

She observed his expression and realized that her father was actually subtly listening to the words of those two people. This made her feel that it was unfathomable.

How could his son make a deal with someone at this level?

"Little Ji, what did you give them?" Su Linyu asked worriedly.

Xia Ji made up a few lies.

As Su Linyu listened, he felt sleepy.

She lay back on the bed, and Xia Ji sat by the bed and patiently talked to her for a while. He only got up when she fell asleep.


Xia Ji closed the door softly.