223. Let Me Do the Second Half

Dongluo Mountain was about half a day's journey away from Tianmu Lake.

Most importantly, Xia Ji knew that Dongluo Mountain hid a " gateway " to the Wu family.

"To Dongluo Mountain."

Nian Ying responded and whipped her horse.

Two yellow-brown horses pulled the carriage to the south.

At dusk, the carriage passed by a small town.

This was a peaceful town, and there was even a fragrance floating in the air.

Nian Ying's gaze turned. The source of the fragrance was from the many small carts by the roadside. The stalls of these small carts were selling ordinary food such as barbecue and stewed food.

However, the fragrance that floated out was a touch of strange fragrance that made people unable to help but stop and eat.

Xia Ji wasn't an otherworldly person. He smelled the fragrance as well, so he stopped the carriage, took some silver, and got off the carriage.

They stopped in front of a stall.

"Boss, how much is it?"