223. Let Me Do the Second Half

The white parrot flapped its wings and shouted behind her,"The wind is tight. Run ~~"

After a while, he shouted again,"Little lady, wait for me, wait for me!"

The man and the bird were filled with joy.

Nian Ying couldn't help but laugh. " What kind of slang is this girl teaching? "

Xia Ji gave her half of the skewers.

"Teacher, those 100 skewers were actually ordered for her, right?" Nian Ying said.

" You're the only one who knows, naughty girl. " Xia Ji smiled and returned to the car.

The two of them did not stay in this small town.

Instead, he took advantage of the moonlight to continue to Dongluo Mountain.

After a night of traveling, Xia Ji arrived at the northern foot of Dongluo Mountain before dawn. He had arrived at the location indicated on the note.

The northern foot of Dongluo Mountain was desolate and remote, but it was not big.

Xia Ji searched around and found Ru Mengxue.

But it was a dead Meng Xue.