7. New State Preceptor

Hua Xiaochan was speechless.

Xiao Wu raised his hand and said in a calm tone, ""Let me try."

Hua Xiaochan gasped and instinctively reached out to protect the baby boy. She quickly said,"No need, no need. A child who doesn't cry is quite obedient. I'll let the imperial doctor take a look later."

Xiao Wu made an "oh" sound and stopped in his tracks.

Xia Ji didn't look at her again.

This girl was clearly identical to Xia Xiaosu, so why was her personality different?

He became like a robot, as if there was something wrong with his brain.

Moreover, when he left, Little Su was the uncrowned king of the north. How could she be a maid here?

There were too many questions. He thought about it for a while and suddenly felt hungry. An instinctive sense of grievance welled up in his heart, making him start to cry loudly. Tears flowed down his cheeks.

Little Wu curiously tilted her head and watched him cry.