8. How Big Do You Need to Bear With It? Just Wipe It Out from the Human World

The next day, Chan Fei rummaged through the chests and cabinets early in the morning and took out jewelry and banknotes from the secret compartment. Then, she changed into a decent dress.

She busied herself and found that her son had woken up and was staring at her with his big black eyes.

Fei Chan's face was originally filled with nervousness and anxiety, but when she saw her son, all the negative emotions disappeared.

The motherly love in her heart was aroused. She undid the red pocket on her shirt and began to feed the baby.

The one-year-old boy gave a cute burp.

She then slowly smoothed out the wrinkles on her clothes and tidied them up in front of the bronze mirror. Then, she sat beside the boy and looked at him gently and dotingly. She stretched out her fingers to play with him.