22. Ksitigarbha Sutra, Fourth Killing Tribulation

Fairy Nongxiao also knew that this prince was mysterious and powerful. Before the sect master died, his chanting had calmed his soul. In addition, she was the one who had attacked first. Now, there was no hostility. However, she did not stay with Xia Ji. She only rode the sword wheel and carried the little girl.

Xia Ji stood on Bai Su's sword wheel and flew through the air like before.

In just a few days, the five of them arrived at Waterbank City.

This was an inland city that was close to a freshwater lake. It was more than two hundred miles away from the Sword Rain Sect.

The Dai Clan clearly had a very high status here, but when they saw Bai Su and the others, the Dai Clan's Patriarch led a group of core clan members to kowtow.

Because Xia Ji was here, he did not need to give these gifts.

After a normal welcoming banquet.

The Dai Clan had gathered all the core members to sit in two rows.

Xia Ji and the others were in the back hall.