23. It's Hard to Exterminate the Tribulation Demon, and the West Sect Comes from the East

Waterfront City, Dai Family, ancient inner residence.

Bai Su was unconscious.

Xia Ji carried her with his left hand and flew out.

The grave-like dormitory was still dead silent.

However, a large black hand had already flowed out of the window.

Have you ever seen something flowing at the speed of lightning?

Maybe not in the past, but now you see it.

The big hand waved.

Heaven and earth were as thick as black mercury and were crushed together by a huge force.

There was a layer of black membrane on his hand, thick and heavy like the deep sea, but it was also like a silent abyss.

If it was an ordinary warrior, he would be unable to bear the negative karma contained in it and would instantly go crazy if he lowered his head and took a look.

This suffocating hand that could make one's heart explode was about to grab Xia Ji.

It wanted to keep him.

But Xia Ji's right hand had already pressed down.

One inch down.

All the Dharma statues came out.