27. He's a Saint, I'm a Sinner, and You're a Mortal

Xu Lingling ate the cake.

Cake was the best thing in the world. If he didn't eat more, wouldn't he be letting himself down and wasting his life?

Unfortunately, he seemed to be a little tired of eating them…

Perhaps he needed to train a group of people who specialized in making cakes?

While Xu Lingling was thinking, footsteps could be heard from the mountain path.

The visitor came alone.

He was wearing a purple-red robe embroidered with gold.

There was no one behind him. He was alone.

However, he alone was a hundred times more awe-inspiring than those with thousands of troops and horses behind him. This was because he was the strongest person in the western sect in the north of the Cloud Continent. He was the emperor of the One Emperor, One Empress, and Two Ministers.