28. If You're Worthy, I'll Go Against the World for You

The mountains dance and the plains gallop, the world is vast, and the snow covers the deep winter.

In the village of the capital of Qi Kingdom, many people were talking about the young man who had stepped into the sky on the snow and killed many cultivators to save them.

However, no one could guess.

The owner of the Ten Thousand Swords Training Hall was seriously injured, but he was still bandaged. He continued to recruit students. He seemed to know who the young man was, but he did not say anything.

In the palace, Commander Jin Batian seemed to know who it was, but he did not say anything.

There are good words.

There were also some unfriendly ones.

Suddenly, someone said impatiently, "" What are we discussing? I think he's also a member of the sect. He's high and mighty, different from us mortals. He's very precious. "

"He saved you," someone said.