31. In a Day and a Night, He Broke Through the Thirteen States

However, there was a vast ocean between the two continents. Terrifying nightmares would erupt on the ocean. If one died in the dream, they would die. The dream was the heart. If one achieved evil karma, they could attack the Tribulation Demons in the dream. If one achieved good karma, they could defend against the Tribulation Demons.

However, the achievement of good and evil did not only depend on choice, but also on one's heart.

After this nightmare tribulation erupted, the sea could not be crossed.

This was because the Tribulation Demons in the Nightmare at Sea were many times stronger than those on land. Most importantly, the demon beasts in the sea would not be affected. They would crawl out from the bottom of the sea while you were asleep and eat you directly.

But correspondingly, those Transcendent Demonic Beasts are also unable to come to land for the same reason as us.