31. In a Day and a Night, He Broke Through the Thirteen States

This cultivation lasted for twenty-five years.

Twenty-five years had passed, and his Zifu had already been broken through and opened up three layers of heaven. However, these three layers of heaven seemed to have already attracted the covetous eyes of the Mountain River Demon.

It was a bright afternoon.

The strange black stone under him finally couldn't hold it in any longer and began to squirm.

This movement caused the ground within a radius of dozens of miles to shake. It was like an earthquake, as if it was the precursor to the destruction of the world.

Xia Ji's hand, which was pressed against the mountain rock, lightly knocked on it.

This knocking was like water falling into a pot of oil. In an instant, the entire world boiled.

The earth's crust was torn apart, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the Tribulation Demons were in chaos. They covered the sky, opened their mouths, and huge hands…