31. In a Day and a Night, He Broke Through the Thirteen States

He was already at the peak of the twelfth realm, the ninth level of the Purple Mansion, which was gathered an inch below the center of his brows, making his originally handsome and gentle face even more divine. His skin was fair and flawless, and even women would feel inferior when they saw him.

He looked at the little beasts that surrounded him and revealed a gentle smile.

He took out some radishes, grass, and grains from his bosom. He stroked them with his fingers and bestowed them with dense spiritual energy.

When he put down these, the little beasts ran over and gathered in his palm to eat.

The rabbit licked the back of his hand as it ate.

As the spirit deer ate, it chirped and rubbed against his body intimately.

The spiritual sparrow was happy. It jumped onto his shoulder and began to sing.

The sky was already dark and the autumn wind was blowing. The little beasts were reluctant to part.