35. Untreated, Behind the Scenes, Weizhou, Karmic Battle

"Fang Chuyu!!" The man shouted.

These three words were filled with power, like the sun shining down. The coldness in the woman's heart instantly faded, and she calmed down.

However, her clothes were already drenched.

"I'm sorry, Sect Leader Yuan."

"It's fine. You can come with me tomorrow. If that man can, you can go with him."

"Sect Master Yuan…I ..."

"There's no need to say anything more. Everyone in this world has their own path and places that they must go.

If we are on the same path, we will go together. If we are not on the same path, we will accompany each other on this journey. There is no need to become Dao companions.

The scenery at the top of the mountain might not be worse than the scenery at the foot of the mountain, and we need to climb a different mountain, right?"

"Thank you," the woman said with a smile.



The next morning.

Little Su was still asleep. Only in her dreams did she stop coughing for a short period of time.