35. Untreated, Behind the Scenes, Weizhou, Karmic Battle

The mortal world's dynasties also consciously helped the sects do things, and the sects also cultivated in seclusion.

The killing between the demons and monks had never stopped. Demons had transformed into humans, and they couldn't pass this test of temperament. They needed to go to the human world.

However, how could demons know the laws of the human world? They did things based on their likes and dislikes. There were even some extreme demons who caused trouble.

Therefore, monks suppressed demons and devils everywhere.

Fang Chuyu was the Sage Nun of a large Righteous Sect in Weizhou.

It was originally peaceful.

However, a hundred years ago, a group of people suddenly appeared in Weizhou. These people were strange and powerful, and many of their powers were not found in this world.

Most importantly, this group of people was unscrupulous. They did not have any scruples in their actions and did not follow any rules.