56. Sixteen Years of Dream, Enlightening the Demon in the Human World

On a frosty day at the end of October, dead leaves fell from the trees like butterflies. The wind carried the fallen leaves across the grayish-yellow earth until they reached a straw hut. They slowly piled up and piled up under the six-inch threshold.

There seemed to be a handsome and mysterious statue in the straw hut. The statue was lying on its side in the middle of the straw hut. There was some dust gathered around its body, making it look gray. It made people think of the mud Bodhisattva in the temple.

Ka ...

Kakaka ...

Cracks suddenly appeared all over the body of the clay Bodhisattva. Nothing had happened in the straw hut, but the cracks gradually expanded and finally spread all over the body of the clay Bodhisattva.

Then, without any movement or sound, all the mud and dust that covered the statue turned into powder, turning into the most delicate and gentle dust particles that quickly floated in all directions and disappeared in an instant.