56. Sixteen Years of Dream, Enlightening the Demon in the Human World

The spider's eight eyes turned and saw the man in the middle of the straw hut. For some reason, it felt an indescribable sense of closeness in its heart. It moved its claws and crawled toward Xia Ji.

As he crawled, the ground instantly shattered.

Wherever it crawled over, the ground seemed to have been pierced by the tip of a spear, and the ground shattered.

The spider immediately became excited and prepared to crawl around.

However, just as he moved, he heard a stern "Presumptuous".

It actually understood these two words, so it instantly stopped, like a child who had done something wrong and was reprimanded by its parents. It obediently lay by Xia Ji's feet, not daring to move.

This level of intelligence was much stronger than the ant that Xia Ji had turned into when he fought with Yuan Qing in Yunzhou.

Madam Xue sighed.