70. May the common people be like dragons, may the souls of the dead rest in peace, and may this heart be bright

Xia Ji slowly 'woke up' and found himself lying on the bed while his 'dao partner' was sitting by the bed and looking at him with a worried expression.

Her "dao companion" had long removed her mask, revealing a charming face that was filled with worry.

Seeing that she had woken up, Bai Zhu hurriedly brought over a nourishing hot soup. She used a spoon to gently brush away the oil on the surface, scooped up another spoonful, and gently blew on it. The fragrance of the meat spread in all directions.

Bai Zhu brought the soup to Xia Ji's lips and said gently like a little wife, ""Drink it."

Naturally, Xia Ji's mask was removed as well.

He had been holding back this anger for a very, very long time.

At this moment, he opened his mouth and let the spoon enter his mouth.

The Dragon Slaying Temple's Abbey Dean saw that everything was like this, so he said, " Rest well, " and then left.

The two of them still maintained the posture of 'loving Dao Companies'.