70. May the common people be like dragons, may the souls of the dead rest in peace, and may this heart be bright

Was the Blacktide wrong?

They were just filled with resentment, looking forward to being reborn or to escape the fate of becoming nutrients for the universe.

Was the universe wrong?

It didn't kill any existence in the black tide. Instead, it only turned into the black tide after these existences died. It was like planting melons and eating melons.

Were the ancestors wrong again?

Was invading the universe wrong again?

Xia Ji opened his eyes and looked up.

The gauze curtain swayed slightly in the wind. The mountain breeze blew through the window, bringing with it traces of the cold winter. When it blew past the window, it brought with it rustling sounds.

Xia Ji, who was lying on the outside, turned his head to look.

In the cold winter, there was a frozen bug's corpse on the windowsill.

They were clearly just dust and ants.

He suddenly sat up, rolled over from the bed, put on his boots gently, and went to the window.