71. Hope in the Dark

" But she doesn't have her memories from a thousand years ago, " Xia Ji said. " Doesn't that mean she's dead? "

"But she's still her," Bai Zhu said.

"I…" Xia Ji said.

" You can't save anyone, " Bai Zhu said. " Even if you look at the longevity in front of you and see how impressive it is to surpass the lifespan of ordinary people, in fact, compared to the infinite universe that has lived for billions of years, even if you live for ten thousand years or a hundred thousand years, how different are you from ordinary people?

They were just mayflies that lived and died in the same day, and had never seen the truth of the universe.

It was only after living for a long time that one would think about this and that. If one's lifespan was only a hundred years, one would not think about anything.

But even if you lived for ten thousand years or a hundred thousand years, would it be of any use if you thought about it and did it?