72. When I Come Back This Time, I'll Marry You

Several days later.

The Dragon Slaying Temple Master found Xia Ji and went straight to the point, "" Qiongqi has agreed to meet you. Come here in seven days. "

As he spoke, he took out a map from his storage space and spread it out on the table. He pointed at the red circle on the map.

There were sixteen small villages, and the sixteen villages formed an entire region.

The Abbey Dean said, " These villages are all places with strong resentment. The sixteen villages with strong resentment have formed what humans call the Ghost's Domain. The periphery of this place is also a place where many sects explore in order to find a book. Qiong Qi is the Lord of Resentment. He can always maintain his best condition in the depths of this place. "

Xia Ji glanced at the map and noted down the location. He nodded and said, ""I will be leaving from now on."

"Alright," the Abbey Dean nodded.

He didn't say anything else.