8. An Extraordinary Meeting

The reason why Xia Ji said that he would be able to release Li Jinghua's rune binding in two months was not only a promise, but also a request he had for himself.

He wanted to complete the strategy of the Su family within two months.

Then, if there were no errors in his estimation, Guifang from the west would still break through the Imperial City and leave before spring…

When Guifang left, he would meet a person-Ning Xiaoyu. Ning Xiaoyu's life was shortened by ten years. She led the army and killed many Guifang people with one slash.

She was also one of the Eight Wonders of the Confucian Sect.

Speaking of Ning Xiaoyu, he still had some unanswered questions.

After all, in his eyes, Ning Xiaoyu was just an ordinary person.

However, this ordinary person gave him the feeling of Su Linyu and even made him feel close to her.