9. Waiting for Millions of Years (2 in 1)

In just a few days, the Su family began to fall into a very strange state.

It seemed that many people were secretly carrying out some kind of "underground work"…

These people's eyes would flash with a strange light from time to time.

When these lights touched each other, they would understand each other and understand that they were people who had read that little book.

That book was naturally the story that Old Ancestor Su and I had to tell.

To be honest, the Su family's ancestor was mysterious and unfathomable. No one knew if he was a man or a woman…

And such a book was actually very detailed. From the realm after the tenth level of the Transcendence Realm, to the culture and customs of the ancient times, to the details of the conversation and style, all of it was extremely realistic. Many people would even feel that it was real when they read it.

But thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was impossible.