9. Waiting for Millions of Years (2 in 1)

In her heart, Buddha was her teacher, friend, family, and lover. However, she did not say these things, and neither did Buddha, because it was impossible to say or imagine.

Thus, the Ethereal Tribulant that had suppressed his emotions for more than 200,000 years until that era was constantly recalled in the endless years that followed.

As a result, she did not feel angry or embarrassed when she read every word in the booklet. Instead, she felt a sense of joy.

She even saw the sentence at the end of the story, " She couldn't help but recall that when she was still a fox, Amitabha tapped her head three times. " She smiled like a flower, like an innocent little fox.

At this moment, her calm heart was moved.

Just by looking at these words, she was already happy.

But now that he had hope, he began to feel anxious.

She waited anxiously, waiting for her to extract a trace of consciousness in a special way and squeeze out the 'person'- Su Tian.